
Democratic Bloc Leader: It is Absurd to open a New Forum in Geneva

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Political Secretary of the original Democratic Unionist Party and leader of the Freedom and Change – Democratic Bloc, Moataz Al-Fahl, said that it is absurd to open a new forum for negotiations in Geneva, while there is a previous agreement in Jeddah since May 2023 that is still ink on paper.

Al-Fahl affirmed, according to “Sudan Tribune”, that there is nothing promising in Geneva, but rather a role for a mediator pressuring the Sudanese to accept what the Sudanese do not accept – according to his expression.

He said, “All calls for negotiations and initiatives of our brothers find support and cooperation from us, and no one in the universe rejects peace and the principle of dialogue and negotiation, and it is not appropriate to reject the hand extended to you in order to end a war in your country, but the negotiation will not be worthy of its name without calling for the product of Jeddah Agreement on the ground.”

He added that the Rapid Support RSF Militia continued to refuse to implement tJeddah Agreement and are still in citizens’ homes, committing massacres and crimes, affirming that for the negotiations to succeed, Jeddah Agreement must be achieved and implemented and made the first building block to end the war, and “without that, it will be a ploughing in the sea.”

Al-Fahl stated that achieving peace requires first preparing the climate and inclining what he called the militia towards peace, asking, “Can we talk about peace while everyone lives in the shadow of heinous violations, looting, robbery and killing?”

He continued, “I say it frankly, whoever talks about new negotiations and ignores Jeddah Agreement is planning to give the Rapid Support RSF Militia legitimacy and a green light to continue the brutal crimes against the defenseless Sudanese people.”

Al-Fahl refused to describe Geneva negotiations as the last opportunity that must not be wasted.

He added, “I do not know where they get this certainty from?” He added regarding Geneva negotiations, “They are simply promises that ultimately lead you to the example of the Oslo Agreement. I am not saying fraud and deception, but they will not lead us to sustainable peace, but rather a settlement of the war and a truce to catch our breath and strip the state of its legitimacy in the face of the rebellion.

They want to take us to a stage of no state and no national army with the minimum components of a state and no return of the displaced and refugees to their homes, so that the militia remains on the ground and makes it legitimate and a partner in the future.”

Moataz Al-Fahal said that the path to achieving peace and ending the war in Sudan is according to a roadmap that begins with implementing what was agreed upon at the Jeddah forum and discussing a ceasefire, opening humanitarian work paths, and evacuating the homes of citizens and civilian dignitaries from the Rapid Support Forces, RSF and then welcoming Cairo as a platform for the unity of civil forces and discussing the political process.

Al-Fahal pointed out that the Sudanese government’s attitude on Geneva negotiations is national, clear and explicit, and called on the international and regional community to respect the will of the Sudanese and deal transparently and honestly with their aspirations and hopes for a real peace.

Regarding the Rapid Support Forces RSF ‘approval to negotiate in Geneva and the Coordination of Civil Democratic Forces “Taqddum ” welcoming the American invitation to Geneva negotiations, the Political Secretary of the original Democratic Unionist Party said, “We will not be deceived by political propaganda scenarios, as the Rapid Support Forces RSF militia has been saying the opposite of what it is doing throughout the months of war.”

He noted that the Rapid Support Forces RSF ‘ allies from the political forces are promoting peace and stopping the war, and at the same time they refuse to condemn the Rapid Support Forces RSF ‘ violations and equate the state army with the rebel militia – according to his expression.

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