
The number of those fleeing Sennar exceeded 725,000 people and Complaints of Lack of Medicine for those Stranded

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The International Organization for Migration ( IOM) affiliated with the United Nations, revealed on Sunday that the number of those fleeing the conflict in Sennar has increased to more than 725,000  people, while volunteers spoke of tragic situations among pregnant women and patients due to the lack of health care and medicine.
The Organization for Migration ( IOM) said in a statement that the field teams of the Displacement Tracking Matrix estimated “the displacement of 725,965 individuals from all over Sennar due to the ongoing clashes between the SAF and the Rapid Support Forces RSF.
The organization indicated that 37% of the total displaced, estimated at 269,575 people, were originally displaced from Sennar, while the rest were initially from other states and were displaced again due to the escalation of clashes.
Sennar Youth Gathering said in a statement that “pregnant women are living in difficult conditions in shelters and the villages of Singa, Al-Dinder and East Sennar, with a complete absence of health centers and medicines.”
The gathering pointed out that people with chronic diseases, particularly kidney, diabetes and blood pressure patients, are suffering from tragic conditions, calling for lifting the siege imposed on the state’s areas and opening safe corridors.
It reported that the residents of Sennar State walk long distances to get a network for their phones in certain areas.
It said that “citizens in the villages of Sennar state entrust their affairs to God, waiting for a miracle to save them from the death that surrounds them from every direction, while the danger of famine looms on the horizon with a severe shortage of food due to the siege.”

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