
Warnings of Deteriorating Situations in Shelter Centres

Sudan Events – Nahid Oshi 

The committee assigned by the Businessmen and Women Club warned of the deteriorating conditions in the shelter house in Kassala state (the industrial school) and Kassala Hospital, which it described as catastrophic

The club committee said after standing in the field on the conditions of the shelters and the conditions of Kassala Hospital that there are large numbers of citizens taking cover under the sky and living in the streets after

The center was evacuated due to it being filled with rainwater and people were distributed around the center in the streets

Meanwhile, the daily breakfast meal was distributed to 1,500 people in the streets surrounding the camp by the Gold Market Committee of the Businessmen Club of Kassala state.

In addition to efforts to support the central restaurant immediately with a quantity of rice, flour and oil because they are close to running out.

In addition to the committee’s visit to Kassala Hospital and the office of the medical director, the committee said that

The hospital needs comprehensive rehabilitation in terms of buildings, electricity and air conditioning. With the lack of stretchers or sufficient beds in the emergency chamber patients are forced to rent beds from in front of the hospital gate.

It indicated that the number of visitors to the hospital is large.

She said that the matter is much greater than the capacity of the state committee and the state itself.

Therefore, an urgent initiative must be launched to support the shelter camps and the hospital without delay.

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