
Khartoum Governor: We Bet on “Takaya” to refute the Famine Lie 

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Khartoum Governor Ahmed stood on Thursday on the charitable solidarity movement with a joint effort between official agencies and philanthropists to provide food for citizens residing and coming from other states following the large waves of return to Karari and Omdurman.

The tour, which was accompanied by Director General of the Ministry of Social Development, Siddiq Freini, and the Director of the Health Insurance Authority, Abdul Rahim Awad, included a number of Takayas in the Al-Manara Karari area, including the Takaya of the neighborhood residents, the Takaya of Mohamed Sayyid Haj Sharafi, one of the descendants of the famous Sharafi family in Omdurman, the Takaya of the initiative to feed the needy, and the Takaya of the social center.

The Governor of Khartoum appreciated the good people who initiated the Takayas, which is a message to the losers who were betting on starving the Sudanese people. However, chivalry and manliness as an authentic and entrenched value in the life of the Sudanese citizen who was on the lookout for them, refusing to submit to the arrogant ones who provide the militia with weapons and encourage them to displace citizens from production areas and bomb defenseless citizens, pointing out that the Takayas are the antidote that enhances the steadfastness of the citizen.

The Governor of Khartoum sent a special message to the man of righteousness and charity, Mohamed Sayyid Haj Sharafi, who continued to provide meat, food and living necessities to hundreds of families who come to his home from different neighborhoods.

He added, “We encourage such men and thank them and we will stand with them and support them so that they can continue their work,” announcing the establishment of a special administration to supervise the Takayas, care for them and support them to continue their mission.

For his part, Director General of the Ministry of Social Development, Siddiq Freini, said that goodness is present among the citizens and we have a collective will to respond to the needs of the citizens, pointing out that this visit comes in honor of the steadfastness of the people of Al-Manara in the face of the brutal aggression and an affirmation of solidarity, compassion and checking on the conditions of families.

While Mohamed Sayed Haj Sharafi appealed to the citizens to return to Karari locality, adding that their doors are open to provide assistance to those coming and we have a strong will to continue and the targeting will not stop us and we will not let the promoters of the famine rumor and advocates of giving up our dignity and pride to undermine our steadfastness.

The head of the Services Management Committee in Al-Manara said that Al-Manara has become a shelter for all those coming from the states and it is steadfast, reviving the heroism of Karari throughout history, and he confirmed that they will not flee because of the shells and we do not fear death for the sake of God.

In the context, the supervisor of the initiative to feed the needy explained that they feed more than 3,000 families daily and we distribute a bag of Egyptian beans and bread to families with a meal of beans.

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