
Shendi Drinking Water Stations Return to service after being Shut Down

Shendi – Rehab Abdullah

A number of drinking water stations in Shendi locality returned to service after being shut down due to the heavy rains that the city of Shendi and its northern regions witnessed on Thursday evening, where the average reached more than one hundred millimeters.
Engineer Walid Mahjoub, Director of Shendi Water, said that a number of drinking water service stations in a number of neighbouring 22, 21, 12, 24 and the Sports House had lost service due to the rain.
Engineer Walid Mahjoub explained that the work team was able to operate the stations affected by the rain water in a short time that did not exceed opening an hour.
Shendi Water was able to provide water supplies to the city and its suburbs in the summer season, which faced difficulties in power outages for hours at the stations, and increased water pressure due to the large numbers of fees due to the war, and the increase in multi-purpose shops in large and small markets.
The network can unleash the establishment of new stations and the rehabilitation of old ones in addition to the processes of networking and the flow of water for all health.
The photo shows the Executive Director of Shendi Locality, Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh, who made a field call at the private water square station and received a report from Engineer Walid Mahjoub from inside the station last summer.

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