
Whenever Geneva Negotiations Get Closer the Missiles on “Omdurman” increased.. 

Geneva Conspiracies and Interests of Majority of Countries are at Stake 

Report – Amir Abdul Majeed 

At a time when the UAE representative in the Security Council tried to wear a robe of horror of

killing Sudanese civilians due to the war , his country provides militia with thousands of missiles that killed Sudanese daily.. At a time when he was complaining about the failure to open humanitarian paths and the continued spread of pressure to allow him to bring in weapons through Chad, Sudan’s security, his militias on the ground were actually controlling what he believed was pressure on control and the army through popular blogging on karari area and Thawrat, and Old Omdurman, which is a matter that has become largely directed from the distances in Khartoum, as the date of negotiations approaches in order to expedite the missiles that work to purify the evidence of Omdurman, they believe from them, it seems, that this bombing may break the determination of the people and the SAF to reach where it was ordered to start, which is customary here, as the region’s data witnessed a lot before contracting with every merchant in Jeddah, so expectations are that a storm of missiles will fall on its software before contracting a specific contract in Geneva, based on what he believes is the militia and from actual experience with it.

The sympathy of the World community and what is noticeable this time is that the militia is spying on its data in a violent manner on a daily basis and its pace increases when the need arises.

It is important to note that many of the offices located there in the region on (Facebook) and were seeing the matter earlier, this time they avoided the condemnations and their fall, which prompted the personal pages supporting the smart militia and pointing to the matter from the angle that their families are exposed to blogging in the hope of obtaining comments and urging war, which is something that has become exposed and consumed.

On the other hand, the UAE continues to seek the sympathy of the World community to allow it to implement its plan to pressure the Sudanese government and bring in what is limited to humanitarian aid trucks into Sudan and not to use it as a weapon against the Sudanese people, as the UAE representative in the Council said about what he said that his government condemns the use of famine as a weapon in war because depriving the regions of access to the humanitarian aid that completes it and they launched collectively everything necessary that makes it impossible for the direct population to request assistance, and expect what is happening to clarify it clearly and appoint the international and the UAE representative here demands the opening of the borders between Sudan and Chad, which are signs that the Sudanese representative to the United Nations, Al-Harith Idris ,he affirmed that countries and international organizations use the border crossing with Chad without the government’s approval and exploit it to transport military equipment and supplies to the Rapid Support RSF Militia under the cover of deep work, and explained the tasks in a statement in response to what the representative of the UAE Security Council said when he said that the United Arab Emirates explicitly violated the boycott ban after announcing the Security Council to grant unified security, voluntarily to deliver humanitarian aid to those affected through different lines, and “that we demand that Abu Dhabi boycott the security represents a miserable attempt” To evade the UAE’s responsibility for the war waged by the militias with full planning, arming and funding,” she continued, “If it is comfortable with the blood of the wonderful Sudanese people, then it should stop supplying the militia with weapons that are cutting off the Sudanese people and depriving them of food production and aid access to them, and the UAE’s peace will be achieved when we deny humanity’s sincerity.” “.

The plan says the main experts and the main field leaders of the European Institute that things are now under the supervision of a specialist in the open because the Emirates no longer finds a master to cover up the shame of its conspiracies and what it says is rejected because the world knows it is the patch for the militia, so it is difficult for it to participate in the role of the billionaire. In contrast, Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) Rashid Al-Samhouni said that “the Emirates has not developed communication now to deceive the international and regional community. Its position has become as a planner, supporter and clear beneficiary of this war that targeted the existence of the Sudanese state and aimed to replace its people with another people.

This is a very dangerous matter and fortunately goes beyond gains to losses there that night and its displacement. Therefore, it did not believe that the Emirates cannot reach what it was last year in Central America in that matter, as it advanced, which it discovered now that it attacked Yemen for the war of Sudan there,” and participated “The Emirates has some concerns in the countries in which it contributed, such as Yemen and Libya, and it shares them there. It was not working to settle interests that do not exceed the Muslim Brotherhood and wealth, which is different in Sudan, as this war was spent on negotiating there, a people and replacing them with others from “The West African Diaspora,” it added, “If the UAE is serious and concerned with hunger in Sudan, she should order a fight on the ground by stopping the missiles that kill more than one day, which affects them for a long time.” She continued, “They are now pressuring the army and the government by bombing only the security files in the council and the criminal files until they return to the Geneva negotiations, which is something that has become exposed for the government itself.

The government should not seek Geneva until after dismantling the mines that were planted in the security table.”

Interests at stake In cooperation with Ambassador Jamal Mohamed Ibrahim, the former official spokesman, referring the reference to Jeddah negotiations means that it will take place between two military blocs and we will return to square one for the first time, which caused us to make the mistakes of Jeddah, that the SAF negotiates and the government is represented, addition to “in the first round of Jeddah platform, the SAF included a civilian representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but unfortunately he was withdrawn for a period, the militia’s excuse at that time was that the specialization only attends and the quick comes, so there is no need “if there is any civilian or employee from a religious or political service for the figures of the discussion on how to stop the fire between the conflicting wrestlers,” and he said “we must dismantle the mines completely before we sit on the multiple needs of multiple countries and the world at stake now.”

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