
After the Recent Government move… Will Jeddah become a Transit Point for Geneva Talks?

Sudan Events – Aya Ibrahim

With the approaching date of the talks called for by the United States of America USA between the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF and the Rapid Support RSF Militia to discuss the crisis the country is going through in the Switzerland city of Geneva, which was set for August 14, the steps are accelerating on the part of the American administration to hold the talks on the specified date through its rapid response to a number of demands and observations raised by the Sudanese government before engaging in the talks, including holding consultations with a Sudanese government delegation in the Saudi city of Jeddah.

The Sudanese government had decided on Friday to send a delegation to the Saudi city of Jeddah to consult with the American administration regarding the American invitation to attend Geneva negotiations with the Rapid Support RSF Militia.

The government said in a statement that its delegation that left for Jeddah will consult with the American government “regarding the invitation to attend negotiations that will be held in Geneva on August 14 regarding the war waged by the Rapid Support RSF Militia.”

He affirmed that the step comes from the Sudanese government’s keenness to achieve peace, security and stability in the country, and to alleviate the suffering resulting from the war launched by the Rapid Support RSF Militia on Sudan.

Clear Vision:

Head of the National Umma Party’s Policy Committee, Imam Al-Hilu, said that the government’s request to meet with the US administration in Jeddah to hold consultations on the Geneva talks is understandable and reasonable, considering that the parties must be aware of what is happening before the talks and procedures.

Al-Hilu stressed to (Sudan Events ) the necessity of having a clear and serious vision for the negotiating delegations to achieve progress and peace, which has become an obligation for each party.

He said, “If Geneva talks are bilateral, they mean stopping the war, stopping the fire and hostilities, and delivering humanitarian aid.”

He pointed out that any political process that excludes the civilian party within the framework of achieving the general principles of the political process is rejected and will not achieve anything because all bilateral agreements that were outside the framework of the civilian powers did not achieve peace.

He said that the main goal now is to achieve peace, stop the war, withdraw from civilian facilities, and open roads for humanitarian aid. Otherwise, what is happening in Jeddah is just a chess piece in the regional and international game that is currently taking place.

He added, “We do not want to be in the midst of regional storms. We want to stop the killing and war in Sudan as soon as possible to rebuild the state on new and sound foundations that achieve the aspirations and hopes of the Sudanese people.” The need to address.

The head of the Sovereignty Council TSC , Commander-in-Chief of the Army SAF , Lt. Gen.Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, received a phone call from US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Al-Burhan said that he spoke with Blinken about the need to address the concerns of the Sudanese government before starting any negotiations, and informed him that the “rebel militia” is besieging and attacking Al-Fasher and preventing the passage of food to the displaced people of Zamzam camp.

In turn, the US State Department said that Blinken stressed to Al-Burhan the need for the Sudanese Armed Forces SAF to participate in the ceasefire talks in Switzerland and the importance of holding ceasefire talks and delivering aid to Sudan.

Welcome to the step :

In turn, the leader of the Popular Congress, Kamal Omar, welcomes any consultations on the war and the political crisis in Sudan.

Omar told (Sudan Events ), “We hope that the consultations will lead to advanced steps in the ceasefire file.”

American recognition :

Blinken’s call with Burhan was preceded by what was revealed by senior sources to “Al-Sharq” about the US State Department affirming its recognition of Lt. Gen. Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan as President of the Transitional Sovereignty Council TSC and its readiness to use the title in official invitations and the Foreign Ministry’s clarification that the countries that were granted observer status in the Geneva talks will not be part of the mediation, but will contribute to stopping the war and confirming its readiness to hold a meeting with Sudanese officials to consult on the Switzerland negotiations, as this came in response to the Sudanese Foreign Ministry’s statement regarding the US State Department not addressing Burhan in his ability as President of the Sovereignty Council, in addition to its observations on the Geneva talks.

New Move :

Head of the General Council of the National Current, Suleiman Al-Ghouth, said that the American administration has begun to talk about the Sudanese government, which is a new move to a new square in the American administration’s approach to Sudanese affairs, because in the past they were talking about the army leadership and the Rapid Support Forces RSF , and that their move to recognize the current government did not come arbitrarily because the government is now protecting the Sudanese people and managing their lives, as it represents them.

Al-Ghouth praised, in an interview to (Sudan Events ), the government’s step to consult in Jeddah, and stressed that it is necessary and represents a basic and necessary entrance to Geneva and after it to Jeddah and negotiations for a comprehensive and final solution that must now be limited to military issues and stopping the war and move towards the interest of reforms and integration.

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