
SAF: We Crushed the Militia in El Fasher”

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The Sudanese army SAF announced on Saturday that it had repelled a major attack carried out by the Rapid Support RSF Militia on El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur state.

The spokesperson for the armed forces SAF .Brig. Gen. Nabil Abdullah, said in a press statement: “Our forces, thank God, crushed today a major attack by the terrorist Daglo family militia on the city of El Fasher.”

The commander of the joint force operations, General Abboud Adam Khater, told “Sudan Tribune” that El Fasher was subjected to an attack on Saturday morning, which is considered the most violent since the beginning of the confrontations.

He pointed out that the rebel militia had mobilized all its forces in the hope of taking over the city, but the joint force, the army and the groups supporting them were on the lookout and inflicted heavy losses on them.

He announced the destruction of more than 12 military vehicles, and the receipt of about 20, some of which were in good condition.

He stated that the dead of the attacking force were in the hundreds and their bodies were still on the roads.

Eyewitnesses told Sudan Tribune that the battles began when elements of the Rapid Support Forces RSF infiltrated the neighborhoods of “Al-Thawra, Al-Riyadh, Al-Madraj, and Umm Shajira”, committing widespread violations against civilians fleeing the fighting.

Meanwhile, a statement by the joint force leading the battles in Al-Fasher said that the Rapid Support Forces RSF attempted to invade Al-Fasher from three axes: the east, the west, and the southern axis, after mobilizing thousands of mercenaries from neighboring countries and shipments of modern weapons from a regional sponsor.

The statement explained that the attack on the city began at six in the morning, accompanied by artillery shelling and the infiltration of groups of infantry.

It indicated that the battle lasted for about six hours, during which “hundreds of Daglo family terrorist mercenaries were killed”, while the rest fled outside the city and are being pursued.

The statement noted that the Rapid Support Forces RSF , in response to its defeat in the Saturday battle, resorted to intensive artillery shelling from outside the city, targeting centers for sheltering the IDPs hospitals, and service centers.

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