
UNICEF: Millions of Children in Sudan are Threatened by Famine

Sudan Events – Agencies

United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has sounded the alarm, considering the declaration of famine in Zamzam camp for displaced persons in the city of El Fasher, the capital of North Darfur State, and the worsening food insecurity in 13 other areas as “indicators of a large-scale humanitarian crisis that threatens the lives of millions of children.”

This came in an interview conducted by UNICEF Representative in Sudan Sheldon Yate, on Friday, with UN News via Zoom, from the city of Port Sudan, and the organization published its content in a statement.

The UN official affirmed that “UNICEF is making strenuous efforts to provide food and health assistance to children in the affected areas.”

He said that “the declaration of famine in Zamzam camp is not just an isolated event, but rather an indicator of a large-scale humanitarian crisis that threatens the lives of millions of children in Sudan.”

Sheldon Yate made an urgent appeal to the parties to the conflict to cease fire in Sudan and allow humanitarian aid to reach children in need.

He also highlighted that addition to famine, children in Sudan are suffering from a severe education crisis, with some 18 million children still out of school due to war.” He affirmed that “children in Sudan are also at risk of contracting infectious diseases such as cholera and malaria, and serious violations of their rights, including recruitment into armed groups and early marriage.”

He said that UNICEF and its partners are doing their best to reach children in need, but they face significant challenges due to security constraints and difficulty accessing affected areas.

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