
Brilliance of the Negotiation Delegation

Dr. Bahr Abu Garda
It is imperative to commend the Sudanese government’s delegation to the Jeddah consultations with the American administration, led by Minister Mohamed Bashir Abunomo. The delegation exhibited a high level of political maneuvering and negotiating ability. They were able to uncover the real intentions behind moving the negotiations from Jeddah to Switzerland, which was an attempt to escape the Jeddah platform and completely abandon the commitments of the Rapid Support Forces made in Jeddah, establishing a new platform to implement a new strategy.
The delegation recognized the astonishing persistence of the American administration in involving the UAE in the negotiations (merely as observers to trivialize their role), and also unveiled the deception by the Americans towards the Sudanese government by insisting on moving to Switzerland with a delegation led by senior military figures and their statements about not legitimizing the parties, which meant that the contact of the U.S. Secretary of State Blinken with the head of the Sovereignty Council and his acknowledgment was merely deceit and misleading.
In short, the negotiations in Switzerland mean:
The end of the Jeddah platform.
Ending the commitments of the Jeddah platform, thus completely relieving the Rapid Support Forces of their previous obligations in Jeddah.
Relieving the UAE from any legal consequences through its role as a mediator in the peace process, thereby making any complaints by Sudan in the Security Council and international courts, or any other complaints by any entity or individual, valueless.
For all these reasons, the Sudanese government must act quickly from now on to anticipate the direct reaction of the American administration and its agents, both politically and militarily. This requires the rapid signing of all pending agreements with Russia, China, Turkey, Iran, Qatar, and Egypt.
No one should talk to me about the policy of axes and the necessity of neutrality; the policy of axes becomes necessary when the existence of the Sudanese state as a nation is threatened.
It should be noted that these agreements must be signed with a clear strategic military, economic, political, and diplomatic counteroffer, the main part of which must be secured immediately.
Moreover, the leadership must be convinced from now on that we cannot strategically cooperate with America, in particular, and the West, in general, and therefore a policy based on public relations should be designed without openly showing hostility or strategic cooperation.
And most importantly, the military field must be strengthened by supporting the armed forces with all the necessary combat requirements as quickly as possible, along with the popular armed resistance, the joint forces, and all those mobilized.
The Sudanese people must clearly understand that this war has been imposed on Sudan carefully and for a while under international and regional patronage and by the agency of the UAE, carried out by the Rapid Support Forces on the ground with coordinated and arranged agendas from all levels of conspiracy. Therefore, do not expect that its patrons will easily stop it. Sometimes they just try to give some time to catch a breath or postpone it for a relatively longer period by keeping the Rapid Support Forces through a relatively long truce that maintains two military forces or a nearly equal merger, which is why they insist on negotiating on behalf of two armies.
Despite the destruction that has befallen the country and the ongoing human suffering of the people in all its segments, it must be warned that any ceasefire and then ending the war must not be based on the basis of one national army, i.e., the direct integration without any delay of all forces into the Sudanese Armed Forces, otherwise, the war will erupt again, at which point you will pay a higher price than what is currently happening in all aspects, and you will not find Sudan again.
Therefore, we are now doomed to endeavor and be patient to reach a sustainable solution that does not repeat the war.

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