
Political Blocs: Geneva Forum is a Replica of the Framework Agreement

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

Political blocs, alliances, and civil society organizations reaffirmed their commitment to the Jeddah Declaration and the necessity of its implementation, condemning the replacement of the Jeddah forum with Geneva. They described the move as part of a conspiracy against Sudan and a replication of the Framework Agreement’s experience. They praised the government’s stance in rejecting the Geneva talks and called for the unification of the state, army, and people in a single front to resist external interference.

Tijani Sissi, reading the final statement of the political blocs’ meeting on Saturday at the Coral Port Sudan Hotel, according to “The Times News,” stated, “We reject attempts to interfere and usurp Sudan’s will, and we will confront international conspiracies.” He added that the meeting commended the positions of the countries supporting Sudan, which delivered aid despite the Western countries’ reluctance to support Sudan. The meeting reaffirmed their willingness to engage with any initiative aimed at ending the war and leading to a democratic civil transition. Sissi noted that the meeting condemned the violations and crimes committed by the militia in Darfur, Al Jazirah, and Sennar against innocent citizens, including ethnic cleansing, blocking aid, displacement, killings, and all forms of human rights violations contrary to international humanitarian law. He pointed out that the militia committed massacres, the latest of which was in the “Jalangi” area of Sennar State, as well as the siege of El Fasher and preventing aid from reaching displaced camps, targeting hospitals, and bombing water sources.

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