
Qatar Charity and IOM Provide Shelter Materials to Displacement Centers

Sudan Events – Reports

The field teams of Qatar Charity, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), have implemented a significant project to provide essential shelter materials to hundreds of families affected by the war in displacement centers in Port Sudan. The centers include Salalab School Complex, Red Sea Secondary School, Transit Primary School, Industrial School, Sheikh Mustafa Amin Girls School, and Felb Center for southern Sudanese displaced people.

Tariq Mohyeddin, the Acting Head of the Sudan Office, stated that the implementation of this project, in collaboration with the IOM, marks a strong beginning for a sustainable partnership with the international organization. He noted that the real needs of the displaced in six shelters were identified in coordination with the Humanitarian Aid Commission in Red Sea State and the target center committees.

He explained that the first phase of the proposal aimed to distribute 550 packages of essential shelter materials to about 550 displaced families, while the second phase would involve distributing 191 tents to shelter centers affected by floods and rains, also including the host community in Sinkat.

Several displaced persons expressed their happiness with the provision of a variety of shelter materials by Qatar Charity and IOM. Each package included several blankets, sleeping mats, mosquito nets, kitchen utensils, solar-powered lamps, plastic containers for water storage, and a bag for carrying belongings.

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