
Due to “Propaganda and Spreading Lies”… Taliban Bans UN Rapporteur from Entering Afghanistan

Sudan Events – Agencies 
The Afghan government’s official spokesperson, Zabihullah Mujahid, said that the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights, Richard Bennett, was banned from entering Afghanistan.
 Mujahid stated in a press briefing to Al Jazeera Net today, Wednesday, that the decision to ban him was made “because of the propaganda against Afghanistan.”
 The spokesperson said, “Bennett was prevented from coming to Afghan territory because he was responsible for propaganda against Afghanistan, and he is not someone whose words we can trust,” noting that his reports lack credibility and impartiality.
 The spokesperson emphasized that the Taliban respects women’s rights in accordance with Islamic law and Afghan customs.
 Earlier, Richard Bennett accused the Taliban of widespread human rights violations in Afghanistan, including violence against women, members of civil society, the media, former soldiers, and ethnic and religious minorities.
 In his latest report describing violations of women’s rights, Bennett wrote, citing human rights activists, that the Taliban created gender apartheid in Afghanistan.
 He also called for prosecuting Taliban officials involved in human rights violations at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
 In April 2022, the United Nations Human Rights Council appointed Richard Bennett as Special Rapporteur to document human rights violations in Afghanistan.
 UN experts visited Kabul and Mazar-i-Sharif between April 27 and May 4 last year. They met with Afghan men and women working in various sectors, representatives of UN agencies, international NGOs, and several Taliban officials.

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