
Foreign Minister: The U.S. Is Responsible for Delays in Cairo Meetings 

Sudan Events – Reports
Sudanese Foreign Minister Hussein Awad confirmed that the Sudanese delegation did not delay attending the meetings expected to be held with the United States in Cairo and that the delay is the responsibility of the American side.
Awad explained, according to “Al-Muhaqiq,” that the Sudanese side responded to the invitation, and part of the delegation had already arrived in Cairo. He said that U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello had arrived in Cairo, which confirms the intention of both sides (Sudanese-American) to hold the meeting. He added, “The failure of the American technical delegation to arrive in Cairo is not the responsibility of the Sudanese government, but the American side. The better question should be directed to the American side regarding why their delegation was delayed,” stressing Sudan’s commitment to the meeting and its desire to push the negotiations forward rather than delay them. He said that the Sudanese people are the ones suffering, and they are open to all doors and directions to open serious talks. He pointed out that the talks will not be serious if the facilitators (United States) are not keen on pressuring the militia, which has not met the first condition in the Jeddah forum, which is the evacuation of civilian areas. He emphasized that without this, any talks would be meaningless.

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