
Joint Force: The Militia Buried People Alive in El Geneina

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The spokesperson for the Joint Force in Darfur confirmed the existence of a plan to expel militias from all Darfur cities, which will be implemented soon. He said that the militias in Darfur committed very serious crimes such as burying people alive in El Geneina and carrying out acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in several cities across the Darfur region. He added, “There is now random shelling in El Fasher.” The spokesperson also stated in a press release that the Geneva negotiations are an attempt to revive the militia that is on the brink of extinction, emphasizing that the Jeddah Agreement must be implemented first. He said, “The crisis in Sudan is now bigger than just negotiations between two parties, as the militia has made all Sudanese a party to the war and committed crimes against the Sudanese people.”

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