
The Returnees, What Did They Find?

Sudan Events – Agencies 
highlights the struggles and harsh realities faced by Sudanese refugees and displaced individuals as they navigate the challenges of returning to their war-torn homeland. The report paints a vivid picture of the fear, danger, and uncertainty that these people face as they decide whether to return to cities destroyed by war or remain in safer but uncertain areas.
As the war in Sudan continues to spread, many displaced families are no longer safe in their temporary shelters. Some families, after experiencing violations against their homes, chose to endure the hardships of displacement rather than the horrors of war. However, the difficult living conditions in displacement camps have driven many to return to their original homes, despite the ongoing dangers.
The report shares the experiences of families who decided to return, driven by a mix of determination and desperation. Their journeys were marked by sorrow, trials, and heroism as they made the difficult decision to rebuild their lives in their war-torn homeland.
One account describes a woman who repeatedly returned to her home, hesitating between staying in a newly built house in Am Karri village and moving elsewhere due to the instability in the region. Despite the demographic changes in the area and the abandonment of some homes, she chose to stay and confront the challenges of building a new life amidst constant uncertainty.
Another account details the harrowing journey of Issam Moussa and his family as they were forced to leave White Nile State after the situation there became unbearable. Their hometown had become an isolated island, and life had turned into “unbearable hell,” with skyrocketing prices and scarce resources. Issam and his family embarked on a dangerous and arduous journey back to Omdurman, facing numerous challenges along the way, including breakdowns, armed robbers, and checkpoints manned by various armed forces.
The report also touches on the broader displacement crisis in Sudan, where around 11 million people have been forced to leave their homes, with approximately 8 million displaced internally. The conflict has affected 13 out of Sudan’s 18 states, with the worst-hit areas including Darfur, Blue Nile, White Nile, and North Kordofan.
The conditions for those returning to their homes remain dire, with scenes of destruction and devastation everywhere. Despite these challenges, many continue to return, hoping for a semblance of normalcy in their lives. The report underscores the immense challenges and resilience of the Sudanese people as they navigate the ongoing conflict and its aftermath.

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