
Responsible for One Day

I Say to You

By Omar Fadlallah


The clock strikes this:

This means that we will have 365 boys and 365 girls carrying the title of “Prime Minister” for one day each year, and 730 others will carry the title of “Minister of State.” They will have a significant task. We will also have four boys and four girls who will serve as ministers for four years, meaning that 2920 boys and girls will serve as ministers during this period. If the term is extended, the number will increase accordingly. We will also have 14,600 boys and girls carrying the title of “Director-General,” and they will be trained and empowered for that role during this day.

Today, we have ten governors, with 7,300 boys and girls assuming the title of “Governor” for one day each year.

So What’s the Point?

We need heads of professions, engineers, and directors of offices, institutions, and companies in all fields and sectors. We need all sectors of society to participate in work, construction, and development.

This is how the approach will be in government work and the public sector. We imagine that all fields and sectors of society will be mobilized, and in this way, we achieve reform for the country and build a new generation capable of work, action, and creation.

The important thing is to introduce the boys and girls to reality and make them aware of the challenges of work, confronting them with real responsibilities from an early age. This also contributes to a continuous flow of qualified personnel, encouraging them to understand real situations and anticipate the future to plan accordingly, serve the country’s interests, and comprehend the life cycle.

A One-Day Responsibility Project:

This means that each boy and girl will spend one day as a responsible figure for the state and public institutions. They will bear the title of “Minister” or “Governor” or hold another significant responsibility, with an understanding that this is not just a formality, but rather an introduction to the challenges and tasks they will face in the future. This way, we achieve the desired balance and harmony between reality and future aspirations.

By then, the students will have gained enough understanding of the real challenges, preparing them to shoulder the responsibilities of the country and their future roles.

And with that, I will leave you with my thoughts.

Sharoon Hill – Pennsylvania, USA

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