
Women’s Organizations Call for Aid for Displaced and Refugee Sudanese

Sudan Events – Monitoring
Sudanese women’s organizations and activists have issued an urgent call for aid to support the displaced and refugees inside and outside Sudan. A group of women’s organizations is organizing an advocacy event on Monday in Cairo to draw attention to the dire humanitarian situation in Sudan and the famine affecting those impacted in the war zones.
In an “urgent appeal,” Sudanese women’s organizations stated that the humanitarian situation in Sudan has reached a peak and escalated into one of the world’s most severe crises in terms of the number of internally displaced people and refugees, both within and outside the country. They criticized the international community’s lack of adequate attention, from which they expect the necessary resources to provide relief and rescue the refugees and displaced people from hunger, thirst, and disease. They urged the international community and donor countries to provide the necessary resources to global relief organizations, including United Nations agencies operating in different regions of Sudan.
The call also encouraged support for national, women’s, and youth organizations, as well as community initiatives such as resistance committees, emergency rooms, and kitchens currently on the ground, and urged donor countries at the Paris Conference to fulfill their commitments.

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