
Khartoum Completes Procedures for Distributing Cash Support to Targeted Families

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
On Monday, the Governor of Khartoum, Ahmed Osman Hamza, held a joint meeting to discuss the arrangements for distributing direct cash support to targeted families. The meeting included the Commissioner of Safety at the Federal Ministry of Social Development and representatives from the Savings Bank. From the state of Khartoum, the Director-General of the Ministry of Social Development, Siddiq Freiny, and the Secretary-General of the Local Governance Council, Ehab Hashem, along with the executive directors of the state’s localities, attended. The meeting conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the previous expenditures and the preparations for the current expenditure, which was allocated an amount of 440 million Sudanese pounds. The director of the Social Security Commission stated that the commission considers the special circumstances of Khartoum state amidst the war and its loss of financial resources that fund the social support programs for supported families. It also takes into account the large numbers of people arriving from states recently affected by the war, as the state is currently witnessing the arrival of large numbers from the rebel militias’ inferno, which multiplies the challenges faced by the state in providing services, shelter, and food aid. Meanwhile, the governor demanded the necessity of tight coordination and the use of technology to restore the database that previously included 25,000 families eligible for support before the war. He praised the steps taken by the Savings Bank to facilitate the provision of cash and flexibility in its delivery, considering the emergency conditions related to the war, and pledged support for the Savings Bank’s steps to reopen its branch in Omdurman. The meeting agreed on the necessity of including citizens of Jabal Awliya and East Nile in the upcoming batches.

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