
Heavy Rain, Floods, and Flash Floods Expected to Hit Tokar and Arbaat in the Red Sea State

Residents Alerted
The Early Warning Unit of the General Meteorological Authority in Sudan has issued a warning today of very heavy rainfall expected to affect several states within hours. Extensive areas of the Red Sea State have already been impacted by floods, flash floods, and heavy rains. The state is facing a catastrophic situation due to worsening humanitarian conditions following the collapse of the Arbaat Dam, resulting in the deaths of dozens of people, along with the flooding of the Khor Baraka River.
In Tokar locality, in the southern part of the state, floods triggered by the rains and the overflowing Khor Baraka River have caused a partial collapse of the Dolbiay Bridge, isolating the area from the rest of the state.
The Director of the Civil Defense Forces in the state, Brigadier General Ahmed Mohammed Hamidan, stated in a press conference that the heavy rains have caused the collapse of several homes in the villages of Hanuit, Erbibay, Kuduit Blonay, and Rubait, injuring three people.
Reports indicate that the waters of the Khor Baraka River have inundated the city of Tokar, leading to the collapse of several homes and the death of three people, according to eyewitnesses in the area. Floodwaters continue to besiege numerous villages, with communication services cut off.
The floods have also washed away and severed the national road linking the Red Sea State with other states of Sudan in multiple locations, halting trade between Sudan and Egypt after parts of the coastal road connecting Port Sudan with the Oseif border crossing were washed away.
In the Arbaat area, the number of people stranded has increased as floodwaters have overrun villages in the “Ganeb and Olib” locality, with approximately 100 people missing so far, who were in the vicinity of the “Arbaat Dam.” The floodwaters have also swept away several commercial trucks, the only means of transportation in the area.
According to the Demand Bodies Gathering (TAM), the flow of floodwaters continues in the villages of (Kseibai, Hadidnab) in the Arbaat agricultural area, leading to the destruction of a large number of homes. A major food shortage crisis has also emerged, necessitating urgent intervention.

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