
If You Wash Their Mud, How Will You Cleanse Their Shame?

As I See
Adel Al-Baz
The Geneva ensemble attempted to wash the corpse of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) and present it to the world in a radiant image. Look, may God guide you, the RSF immediately accepted the ceasefire and is a peace advocate, responding to all calls for peace! The RSF, full of humanity, agreed in advance to urgently bring relief to the hungry in Darfur and other cities of Sudan. Then, it agreed to a simplified procedure to facilitate relief efforts, and the armed forces are to take it as a model (yes, indeed, this was stated in the final statement of the Geneva ensemble!).
Finally, the RSF “agreed to issue directives to all fighters to refrain from violations, including violence against women or children, using hunger or checkpoints for exploitation, and attacks on humanitarian operations and essential services such as agricultural fields, farmers, and harvest-related activities.” All this filthy laundering was included in the joint statement issued today, August 23, 2024, by the United States, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, the African Union, and the United Nations, according to the final statement.
Look at how the Geneva ensemble tried to beautify, even falsify, the image of the RSF and present it to the world in this elegant humanitarian guise. These are the purposes and objectives of the conference: to wash the filth and reputation of the Janjaweed with the help of the benefactor who gives gifts (the benefactor’s total donations are 77 million dollars for relief). This is what they said… Now, let us see what the Janjaweed actually did on the ground… May God curse the liars.
The reality is far from what the Geneva ensemble claimed. The truth, as written by Dr. Amjad Farid, is that since the U.S. State Department called for the Geneva talks on July 23 until August 20, 2024, the “Rapid Support Forces” have killed about 650 Sudanese in attacks targeting civilians in Khartoum, Omdurman, Al-Fasher, Gezira State, Sennar State, and North Kordofan State. During the same period, the militia committed clear war crimes by bombing Omdurman Maternity Hospital, Al-Naw Hospital, and Al-Sadaqa Hospital in Al-Fasher. Some of these crimes were committed by the “Rapid Support Forces” while their delegation was in Switzerland accompanied by international mediators.
So, when the delegation of the “peace advocates” killers arrived in Geneva, their hands were stained with the blood of more than 650 Sudanese citizens, and yet the conspiratorial Geneva ensemble received them as messengers of humanity!
During the ensemble’s meetings with the Janjaweed delegation in Geneva, what happened? Listen to the U.S. envoy, who tweeted the day before yesterday, saying, “While we focus in Switzerland on saving lives, we are shocked to see the escalation of violence by both the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces this week, which resulted in the death of more than 100 civilians in Jaljany, Ma’ama Al-Qawz, Bayda, and Al-Fasher. Direct attacks on civilians—indiscriminate shelling, rockets, and gunfire—violate international humanitarian law. We call on both parties to respect all their commitments under the Jeddah Declaration, and at the very least, provide minimum protection for innocent civilians from harm.”
Look at the original deception, as the name of the armed forces was thrown into the tweet to give the impression that both sides are committing the same violations, even though all the areas mentioned by the envoy in the tweet are controlled by the militias, where massacres are being committed and there is no army presence at all. But since he is a hypocrite, he writes his tweet with this deliberate deception and confusion.
Therefore, by the U.S. envoy’s admission, the commitments that the Geneva ensemble talks about and the promises made by the RSF gangs before and during the conference are nothing but lies to improve their image before the world. But on the ground, in villages and cities, something entirely different is happening, as the violations and killings have not stopped for even an hour in all areas under militia control! Who are they lying to?
We know what happened before the conference: they killed over 650 innocent souls in just one month, and during the conference, they invaded dozens of villages and killed more than 100, especially in Jaljany, Ma’ama Al-Qawz, Bayda, and Al-Fasher! So… what happened after the ensemble’s conference ended? Yesterday, news reported that the RSF militia looted international humanitarian aid in West Darfur State less than 72 hours after the Adré crossing was opened. The rebellion forces (announced last Thursday their total rejection of the humanitarian aid route to the Darfur region through Northern State) and if the reason is known, the wonder ceases! The militias and their allies want to open only one crossing (Adré), which they control, to continue looting and stealing relief supplies to provision their starving army!
Just yesterday as well, according to Doctors Without Borders, an armed force from the RSF militia looted equipment and devices from Ibn Sina Hospital in Khartoum, a hospital that the militia had been using as a military barrack. The militia transported the looted hospital equipment to an unknown location. The organization strongly condemned the looting of medical facilities that were providing medical services to citizens, stating that Ibn Sina Hospital is a reference and research center in multiple fields. The organization confirmed in a statement yesterday that this act is a serious violation of international and humanitarian laws, asserting that the safety of hospitals and medical facilities should be protected and not turned into conflict zones.
Thus, attacks on humanitarian operations and essential services have not stopped for a moment, and international organizations have confirmed this, as killings, looting, and rapes continue. Those in the Geneva ensemble are trying to wash the mud of the Janjaweed, but it is in vain, and even if they succeed with lies in doing so, how will they cleanse their shame for killing innocents and raping women?
The Geneva ensemble still talks to us about the Janjaweed’s commitments to protect aid rather than loot it, and to protect civilians rather than kill them. They are trying to paint a humanitarian picture of them that exists only in the sick imagination of the ensemble, who sees the devil in the image of an angel with complete blindness… And it’s not surprising… for the devils love every rebellious devil!

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