
Blinken… Not Missed at All

As I See

Adil El-Baz


 In the final days of Mr. Blinken’s tenure as the U.S. Secretary of State, his vision finally cleared. He began to see things as they truly are, not as he and his envoy, Mr. Tom Berlio, had imagined them. But at what cost? After wreaking havoc and igniting a war that they will leave behind to burn an entire nation, all due to their ignorance, recklessness, and blind allegiance to a faction of Sudanese they used as cheap tools to achieve their goals and the objectives of their allies. But God prevails, and may He turn their schemes against them.


Mr. Blinken stated, “I have also determined that the Rapid Support Forces and the militias allied with them have committed crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing.” So, if this is what Mr. Blinken has decided, what has he done about the militia that committed all these crimes? Imagine, he did not even dare to publicly condemn them or boycott them. Instead, he continued to seek ways to bail them out of their predicament, even as recently as a few days ago in Geneva! But there’s something worse. Let’s look at what America and its allies did until we reached this war.


The “Janjaweed of the Empire” (as Dr. Ashaari called them), led by the latest U.S. ambassador, dedicated all their time to supporting their client forces. Through the “Quad” group, they provided full support to the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC), handing them the leadership of the country after the revolution. When the military turned against them due to their failure in managing the country, the “Quad” group once again rose to provide full support through the Lawyers’ Constitutional Draft, which they fully funded and managed, then pressured the military to sign the so-called Framework Agreement that led to the current war. When the conflict erupted due to their exclusion of everyone and their rush to hand the country over to their clients, the same “Janjaweed of the Empire” shamelessly made themselves mediators in the very war they ignited.


Once again, the government accepted their deceitful role, knowing full well that they were far from impartial mediators. So what did they do? The militia signed the so-called Jeddah Agreement with its known terms. When the militia made advances in the war and gained more territory, the mediators gathered their papers and left, waiting for the militia’s final victory to continue their colonial project aimed at controlling Sudan.


Over more than a year and a half, the militias failed to achieve any strategic victory that would pave the way for controlling the country. When the conspirators’ coalition realized that this had become impossible, despite all their efforts to provide political cover, diplomatic support, weapons, and supplies, they hurried back, suddenly recalling the negotiations and the Jeddah Declaration!


In its continuous scheming, the U.S. sidelined its closest Saudi allies and established another, final negotiation platform in Geneva. However, Geneva failed due to Sudan’s strong stance on implementing the Jeddah outcomes. Geneva was their last card, and they achieved nothing towards ending the war. They only managed to open the Adré corridor to bring in aid, not out of love for the Sudanese people, but to support the Janjaweed in the areas controlled by the militia.


Now, in three months, Mr. Blinken will leave us (and good riddance), along with the conspiratorial Janjaweed, waiting for the outcome of the U.S. elections. For the next six months, U.S. initiatives will halt, and perhaps we’ll hear less from envoy Tom Perlow. The legacy of the Biden administration and its Janjaweed in Sudan is a full-scale war, just like their legacy in Gaza and Afghanistan. The client gang will be left as orphans, to be taken care of by the UAE, which the world now condemns and pursues with accusations of supporting militias committing genocide and crimes against humanity, as Blinken himself said. Thus, the UAE is now paralyzed, with no political leverage to drive the militia, and faces military despair as the militia fails to achieve any significant victory. This is the ash they all reaped from the seeds they planted. Sudan will eventually be liberated from their militias and remain as it has always been—free and independent.

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