
Technical Committee at Ashkeit and Arqin Crossings: No Reversal on New Import and Monetary Procedures

Sudan Events – Monitoring
The chairman of the technical committee tasked with reviewing and resolving issues related to the congestion of goods at Arqin and Ashkeit, Police Brigadier General Abdul Rahman Badawi Obeid, emphasized the need for relevant authorities to adhere to the directives concerning the new import and monetary policy. He noted that the committee has given customs agents and importers a grace period of one month, with the decision set to be enforced starting August 23rd.
He added, “There will be no retreat or reversal in implementing the decisions after the granted period to uphold the state’s authority.”
He mentioned that the state has begun to organize its procedures and documentation through the use of an electronic network system that connects all relevant entities. This ensures the integrity and accuracy of documents and simplifies and facilitates trade movement between countries.
Obeid affirmed that the decision ensures that imports come from responsible sources with proper documentation and accurate commercial financing, which helps maintain the dollar exchange rate and prevents monetary imbalances. The decision also benefits the country and citizens by contributing to economic recovery and ensuring high-quality imports at reasonable prices, thereby protecting the state’s resources from being wasted on incorrect or forged documents and preserving everyone’s rights.
He confirmed that operations following the decision will proceed smoothly, especially as the decision has outlined solutions for cases according to the customs law. Additionally, an administrative order has been issued to define specific customs treatments, such as gradual fines, which are expected to resolve the matter conclusively. He explained that the committee held numerous and extensive meetings with all relevant parties at the crossings, including customs officers and related entities such as standards, quarantine, agriculture, trade, and economic security. A meeting with customs agents and importers remains to be held to address matters post-implementation of the decision.
He expressed his gratitude to the committee for their efforts and to all related entities for providing a conducive environment for the committee’s work. He also hoped that customs agents and importers would comply with these decisions to help the economy recover and cooperate in the best interest of the country and its citizens.
The technical committee tasked with resolving and addressing the congestion of goods at Ashkeit and Arqin crossings, led by the Assistant Director-General of the Customs Police, Police Brigadier General Abdul Rahman Badawi Obeid, and members of the committee representing economic security, the Ministry of Trade, Standards and Quality, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Transport, Agricultural Quarantine, and Health Quarantine, inspected the Ashkeit and Arqin crossings in Halfa locality, Northern State. They conducted field inspections at the crossings to find suitable solutions to the issue of goods congestion following the implementation of the electronic IM form.

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