
White Nile Governor Inaugurates Development Projects in Tindalti

Sudan Events – Monitoring
On Thursday, the governor of White Nile State, Omar Al-Khalifa, will inaugurate the groundwater basin water pumping project in Um Katirat and the extension of the water line to Tindalti city, which spans more than nine kilometers, at a cost exceeding 2.5 billion Sudanese pounds, funded by the state government.
The governor will also inaugurate the military hospital, the new buildings for the local government headquarters, the buildings for the sanitation project, and the health center in Al-Salama neighborhood. Additionally, the governor will attend the Zakat Chamber’s program for the circumcision of more than 250 children in the locality.
According to the Executive Director of Tindalti locality, Hisham Al-Sheikh, as reported by the Sudan News Agency, the locality has completed its preparations to welcome the governor and members of his government to inaugurate several development and service projects in the locality. He affirmed that the Um Katirat water project is the greatest achievement of the state government despite the conditions of war and resource scarcity, adding that the project will resolve the problem of water scarcity in Tindalti city once and for all and contribute to the stability of the citizens.

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