
France and Britain Concerned About Israeli Operations in the West Bank

Sudan Events – Agencies
They condemned Ben-Gvir’s statements about Jerusalem.
Paris expressed on Friday its “deep concern” over the deteriorating situation in the Palestinian territories due to recent Israeli military operations, whether in Gaza or the West Bank. This was stated during an online press conference by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which noted that “the intensification of Israeli attacks on schools and displaced persons’ shelters in Gaza has led to an unacceptable number of civilian casualties.” As in every occasion for over ten months, Paris strongly emphasized the need for “respecting international humanitarian law,” which all parties, including Israel, are supposed to adhere to. Concurrently, the French Foreign Ministry also stated that “attacks targeting humanitarian workers or UN employees are unacceptable.” The statement continued, noting that Paris “strongly condemns the Israeli shooting at a World Food Programme vehicle in Gaza on August 28, which led to the suspension of the program’s activities in Gaza.” France reiterated its call for the “unconditional and immediate release of all hostages and an immediate ceasefire in light of the humanitarian emergency in Gaza,” calling for “immediate, safe, and unimpeded access to humanitarian aid by all possible means, as called for by UN Security Council Resolutions 2712 and 2720.” The French statement also addressed the situation in the West Bank, noting that Israeli military operations in several West Bank provinces “exacerbate an unprecedented atmosphere of instability and violence.” France also called for the “immediate cessation of settlement activities, as they are contrary to international law, as recently affirmed by the International Court of Justice, and aim to make a two-state solution impossible.” The statement did not overlook the situation in Jerusalem, where Paris warned that “the systematic questioning of the status quo at the Al-Haram Al-Sharif compound now poses a risk of widespread conflict.” The statement condemned “all actions that violate the status quo” and reminded of the importance of Jordan’s specified role in this regard. It also condemned “the irresponsible statements made by Minister (Itamar) Ben-Gvir, who repeatedly and publicly calls for actions that contradict the status quo.” The statement concluded by urging the Israeli government to “firmly condemn these unacceptable statements.” In London, a spokesperson for the British Foreign and Development Ministry stated: “The UK is deeply concerned about the ongoing operation by the Israeli military in the occupied West Bank. We recognize Israel’s need to defend itself against security threats, but we are deeply concerned about the methods used by Israel and reports of civilian casualties and the destruction of civilian infrastructure.” The British spokesperson added, “The risk of destabilization is severe, and the need for de-escalation is urgent. We continue to urge Israeli authorities to exercise restraint, comply with international law, and pursue those whose actions escalate tensions. The UK strongly condemns settler violence as well as inflammatory remarks made by National Security Minister Ben-Gvir, which threaten the status quo in the holy sites in Jerusalem. No one benefits from the expansion of conflict and instability in the West Bank.”

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