
The Alliance for Claiming to Save Lives for Peace!!

As I See

Adil Al-Baz

I exclude the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Republic of Egypt, as they did not contribute to taking our lives, but they also did not protect them sufficiently, as was expected. This alliance, which they called the “International Alliance for Peace and Saving Lives in Sudan,” includes (the United States, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE, the United Nations, and the African Union). This alliance was stillborn recently in Geneva, and it is undoubtedly illegitimate because its founders had no mandate to make peace and save our lives!! How can this alliance make peace when three of its pillars are deeply involved in supporting the Janjaweed to the point of drowning? How is this possible? Yes, indeed. If you don’t believe me, let’s review the practical positions of all these parties since the war began.

Let’s start with America. What was its position? America rushed, in the second week of the war, to establish the Jeddah forum and pressured the Sudanese government to join the Jeddah forum to stop the war. America’s Janjaweed (Molly Phee and Ambassador John Godfrey) actively pushed for a quick peace agreement, and they got what they wanted. The government reluctantly agreed to the Jeddah agreement, allowing the Rapid Support Forces to re-enter the arena. Despite this, what happened? When the Jeddah Declaration was signed, the militia’s hopes were still high as they were advancing toward government headquarters and military barracks, even besieging them completely. They deluded themselves into believing that victory was near and quick, leading to the complete takeover of the state. So why rush to implement an agreement that would destroy all their plans? It seems that America’s Janjaweed believed these lies, so they packed up their papers and left Saudi Arabia without staying to set up mechanisms to implement the Jeddah Declaration. This was not an oversight but rather an opportunity for the Janjaweed to take over the state. When their wait was too long, they remembered Sudan and the Jeddah Declaration and quickly established the Geneva forum alone, determining the hosts, observers, and dialogue parties. They invited Sudan like slave traders to go immediately to Geneva!!

Before Geneva, America and our former colonizers (Britain, holding the pen) in the Security Council made an urgent call for an immediate ceasefire. As a result, the Sudan crisis entered the halls of the Security Council, and suddenly there was no more urgent and important issue than the Sudan crisis (they forgot Gaza and Ukraine). The Security Council has held more than ten sessions on this global crisis so far!! But the same Security Council refused to condemn the militia, despite the fact that the panel of experts it formed issued a detailed report on the Janjaweed and the UAE’s violations!! Not only that, but Britain, allied with America, suspended Sudan’s complaint against the UAE, and it remains suspended for months, with Britain and the penholder refusing to let the council take any action on it, despite it being based on the findings of the UN expert mission.!!

So this is America. It failed to commit the militia to the Jeddah agreement, then obstructed its condemnation in the Security Council, and halted the progress of the Magnitsky Act in Congress. Shamelessly, it now presents itself as a mediator to save lives and a dove of peace within the suspicious alliance!! Who are you fooling, Yankees?

That’s about the head of the dead alliance. What about its tails? Let’s look at the African Union. What did this corrupt entity do? The union quickly froze Sudan’s membership within two days of the outbreak of the war. Despite this, after the war broke out, its envoys hurried to Sudan, demanding a ceasefire and quickly forming what they called the “Expanded Mechanism” to manage the Sudan crisis. It included all the countries hostile to Sudan, and this mechanism issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire, ignoring the Jeddah Declaration and its obligations on the militia. Sudan rejected it, and the mechanism died at birth, and the conspiracy scattered. Since then, the African Union doesn’t know what to do. Sometimes it gathers Sudanese political forces to draft a Sudanese-Sudanese solution, but after the refusal (Progress) of the meeting of political forces, considering them remnants, the African Union rushed to please its sponsor and established a forum alone that resulted in nothing!! It is still confused, whether to proceed with the Sudanese-Sudanese dialogue project or to please the sponsor by forgetting the matter!! Now, finally, it was added (the African Union) as an extra body in the Geneva meetings, but we heard nothing from it or about it there. Can this paid scarecrow be part of an alliance for peace and stopping the loss of lives?!!

Now we come to the third pillar in the alliance to stop the loss of lives: the UAE!! Really, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry or both. If the UAE really wants to stop the loss of our lives, it should stop supplying weapons and supporting the Janjaweed, and thus our lives would be saved without the need for an alliance, and it would truly contribute to peace. How can the UAE supply the Janjaweed with weapons while claiming to want to stop the loss of our lives? They seek peace while deliberately riding the trains of madness or Janjaweed.

Frankly, I’m fed up with this international manipulation. Do they think we are fools who can easily be deceived, or are we so weak that they disdain us to the extent that they impose on us to deal with a conspiracy alliance that raises peace slogans while fueling the war, killing us openly with their weapons and decisions, and at the same time calling for stopping the loss of our lives?!!

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