
Saudi Arabia: We are working with full force to implement the Jeddah Declaration to end the Sudan war 

Sudan Events – Follow-up 
Ibrahim Jaber, member of the Sovereignty Council and Assistant General Commander, reaffirmed the Sudanese government’s commitment to implementing the Jeddah Declaration, signed in May 2023, as a foundation for resolving the Sudan crisis.
Jaber met with the Saudi Ambassador to Sudan, Ali bin Hassan Jaafar, on Wednesday. He praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts to end the war in Sudan and its notable work in providing humanitarian assistance to those affected by the war, especially in Darfur.
Jaber briefed the Saudi Ambassador on the current situation in Sudan, highlighting the Sudanese Armed Forces’ control over the military and security landscapes. He also pointed to the government’s achievements in agricultural and industrial production and the continuous efforts to restore Sudan’s economic health.
For his part, the Saudi Ambassador confirmed that Saudi Arabia is exerting all its efforts to implement the Jeddah Declaration, aiming to end the war, alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, and transition the country towards reconstruction and economic cooperation.
The Saudi Ambassador reaffirmed his country’s commitment to maintaining ongoing communication with the Sudanese government to serve the common interests of the two brotherly nations and fully end the conflict in Sudan.

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