
South Korea Deploys Anti-Drone Systems to Counter Pyongyang Threats

Sudan Events – Agencies

South Korea’s Ministry of Defense announced on Friday that the military is deploying an integrated anti-drone system at multiple locations across the country to counter threats from North Korean drones.

This move comes as South Korea seeks to bolster its defenses after five North Korean drones crossed the border in December 2022, with one entering Seoul. The military failed to intercept any of them, raising questions about its readiness, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency.

A Ministry of Defense official said, “The integrated anti-drone system is being deployed at key locations to respond to threats posed by North Korea’s small drones.”

The system comprises various equipment, including radar and drone signal jammers, capable of detecting, tracking, and disabling unmanned vehicles.

Reports indicate that the military plans to initially deploy about 20 systems at units under the Capital Defense Command and other key defense units. North Korea has recently been working to develop its drone capabilities, with leader Kim Jong-Un overseeing the testing of attack drones last month.

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