
The U.S. Envoy Has Exhausted His Purpose!

Ahmed Shumoog
Before the U.S. envoy to Sudan – who hasn’t even visited Sudan – began his new tour of the region, he gave an interview to Mr. Luqman Ahmed on ⁦@USSESudan⁩. Any objective observer who watched this interview would conclude that this man will not succeed in anything. The interview proved that he is incompetent and unobjective. Periello demonstrated that he chose to be a counterproductive force for any good or reasonable future for U.S.-Sudanese relations. This should raise concerns in the minds of all those interested in building balanced and reasonable relations with the United States, myself included.
Periello has completely exhausted his purpose with what he said in the interview. Aside from lying through his teeth, he appeared to volunteer himself to contribute to reinforcing misleading narratives, borrowing from the discourse that the Abu Dhabi militia’s propaganda machines have been promoting since the failure of their coup and its transformation into a genocidal war. He spoke about the so-called “war of two generals” or the imagined role of “elements of Bashir’s regime.” He even went further, stealing the representation and voices of the Sudanese people and their right to determine their destiny by discussing “polls” they conducted, which supposedly affirmed their approach. In essence, this man claims that most Sudanese agree with not recognizing their state and national sovereignty, treating the national state and its institutions equally with a militia that represents an intelligence hub for security re-engineering plans for the region—plans Periello knows more about than we do, but he chooses to summarize it all by saying, “Al-Burhan chose to cling to titles.” If titles mean nothing to you, why does Periello insist on disrespecting the sovereignty of the state he was sent to represent?!?
In that interview, Periello spoke from a colonial paternalistic lexicon, not hesitating to align with the narratives of the Abu Dhabi militia and presenting them as facts. By the way, Mr. Luqman didn’t ask, and the envoy didn’t volunteer to talk about Abu Dhabi’s role in igniting and perpetuating the genocide, undermining the state’s sovereignty, displacing citizens, and occupying their homes. They want us to forget all that and only talk about “peace” as they define it for us. But this is not peace—it is surrender. It is submission and acceptance of genocide and the destruction of sovereignty!
The envoy – who hasn’t visited Sudan – claimed that the army created the militia and included it in official documents!!!! It seems he read a translation of one of Al-Burhan’s speeches before the war and thought that this is how constitutions are written in the wild jungles of Africa! He went on to completely align his language with the Abu Dhabi militia’s propaganda machine, speaking about how the current government includes “elements from Bashir’s regime,” while he fails to see that the coalition he supports – along with their other allies – is filled with allies and ministers from Bashir’s regime. Even the terrorist militia accused of committing genocide and ethnic cleansing has signed an agreement with the coalition he supports and their allies in January – right after the massacre in Gezira state – an agreement full of Bashir’s regime members, including his deputy Hasabo. Yet, he doesn’t see any of this but only views the Sudanese people’s popular efforts to defend their state and existence as a return of the Islamists. Despite all this, he continues with his provocative colonial arrogance, stealing the representation of the Sudanese people and speaking on our behalf. You know nothing about us!
What is the difference between what he is saying and what has been repeatedly said – on whose behalf? – by the likes of Khalid Slik, Yasir Arman, Babakr Faisal, Taha Osman, and Bakri Al-Jack?
This envoy, after this interview, has lost all grounds for the Sudanese government to continue treating him as an objective person. It has become impossible to deal with him as a mediator in any way.
Of course, Mr. Luqman did not ask him even once about the role of the UAE. Perhaps the envoy is no longer open to such questions after he thought he succeeded in hiding their involvement under the banner of the “#ALPS group.” I assure him and those with him that millions of Sudanese will neither forget nor forgive the attempts to whitewash the guilt of funding, supporting, and protecting the invasion and occupation campaign of our country, no matter how hard he tries or how many Sudanese men and women collude with him!

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