
Sudanese Refugees in Chad Reject UAE Aid

Sudan Events – Agencies

Sudanese refugees in Chad informed a UAE official of their refusal to accept humanitarian aid offered by Abu Dhabi for victims of the Sudanese war, demanding that the UAE stop its military support for the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).
Lana Nusseibeh, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs, visited Chad on Friday and inspected the UAE’s field hospital in the city of Abeche, which was specifically set up to receive Sudanese refugees fleeing the war.
Activists circulated a video on social media showing a Sudanese refugee addressing the UAE official, urging her to intervene to stop the war in Sudan, as the UAE has the power to do so, and expressing their rejection of the aid.
A refugee who attended the meeting, preferring anonymity, told “Sudan Tribune”: “Around 100 refugees met with Lana Nusseibeh at the UNHCR office in Abeche, where they firmly rejected any humanitarian aid provided by the UAE.”
The refugees accused the UAE of being involved in providing military support to the RSF, which has committed war crimes, crimes against humanity, and ethnic cleansing against the Masalit tribe in West Darfur. They requested that this message be conveyed to the UAE leadership in Abu Dhabi.
The source revealed that the UAE official canceled a planned visit to the town of “Adré,” located on the border with Sudan, due to concerns about facing refugee protests in the area.

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