
WHO: Situation in Sudan is Catastrophic and Requires Urgent International Attention

Sudan Events – Agencies

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the spread of famine in Sudan, a country suffering from a bloody war since April 2023. WHO stressed that the situation is “catastrophic” and requires urgent international attention.

This came after WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus visited Sudan, where he met with displaced persons and visited hospitals experiencing unprecedented suffering.

In an interview with the BBC, Ghebreyesus said, “The situation in Sudan is extremely concerning… The mass displacement is currently the largest in the world, and famine is spreading everywhere.”

He noted that over 12 million people have already been displaced, and around 25 million people, or half of the country’s population, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance.

The WHO Director-General also touched on the lack of international attention to the crisis in Sudan, suggesting that race may be a factor in this disregard.

He added, “Sudan is not receiving the attention it deserves, and this situation is repeated in other conflicts within the African continent. I feel that race plays a role in this.”

Ghebreyesus, who grew up in Ethiopia during a civil war, said he personally understands the impact of armed conflicts, recalling the familiar sounds and smells of war. He added that the situation in Sudan brings back memories of the civil war in his homeland.

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