
Sudanese-Russian Talks on Gold Extraction and Establishment of Airport and Logistics Center on the Red Sea

Sudan Events – Agencies

Government sources revealed that a delegation from the Russian Chamber of Commerce discussed with Sudanese officials arrangements to begin gold extraction from several sites in the country starting next October. According to “Sudan Tribune,” the discussions between the Sudanese and Russian sides focused on gold extraction, with expectations that it will commence soon following the arrival of technical teams from Russian companies to Sudan next week. The ongoing arrangements aim to resume extraction to compensate for significant revenue losses, address war expenditures, and cover the collapse of the Sudanese pound and resource shortages.
According to a statement by the Sudanese Ports Authority on Sunday, the Russian delegation held talks with the Director-General of the Ports Authority regarding Russian companies utilizing Sudanese ports as a gateway to Africa due to their strategic locations. The Director-General, during his recent visit to Russia, met with representatives from various sectors who expressed their interest in investing in Sudan. He welcomed the delegation and confirmed the possibility of multiple investment projects, including ports and tourism sectors. He also pointed out several good docks south of the southern port that could be developed into ports. The Ports Director suggested, in a press release, the establishment of an airport to support tourism. Meanwhile, the Russian ambassador explained that some Russian businessmen are keen on establishing a Sudanese-Russian business center and an integrated logistics center.

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