
America and the UAE: Which Needs the Defensive Partnership, and What is the Price?

By Dr. Mohamed Othman Awadallah

Amid the intense confrontation between Sudan and the UAE, U.S. President Joe Biden stated that America has declared the “United Arab Emirates as a defense partner.” In this article, we discuss this statement and analyze its meanings and implications.

**Historical Background (Blackmail: A Constant U.S. Policy Across Presidents):**
A few years ago, former U.S. President Trump addressed the world with the following:
1. Countries protected by America must pay for America’s protection.
2. From now on, there will be no free U.S. protection for any country.
3. To the leaders: without America’s protection, you would not last in power for more than two weeks.
The world was then surprised by President Trump, standing in front of a leader, pen in hand, calculating protection costs on a board, as if giving a math lesson in elementary school, and writing down astronomical figures. It was a scene full of implications.

**Trump’s Messages:**
Through that bizarre scene, President Trump sent two messages.
The first was to the American public, highlighting a new source of immense revenue for the U.S. treasury. Trump boasted about this great achievement, emphasizing the impact of that money on the U.S. economy and the job opportunities it would create.
The second message was to a list of nations, saying: “Prepare your funds to settle your debts under the banner of U.S. protection,” mentioning several countries, including Japan.
But of course, he started with the countries most ready, willing, and eager to pay these dues.

**The United Arab Emirates:**
President Biden’s statement aligned with what his predecessor Trump meant, albeit with a softer and more diplomatic expression under the term “defense partner,” specifically referring to the UAE.

**The Defense Partner:**
Partnership between countries is natural, but what exactly is this defense partnership? Joint defense is also a natural collaboration, but against whom is the defense, and from whom is the protection?
It is known that the UAE serves several functions for America:
1. It is the sponsor of comprehensive normalization with Israel under the philosophy of the Abrahamic faith.
2. It is the treasury that funds any war America or Israel wishes to launch, especially against resistance movements or Islamic groups, or funds local militias and agents.
3. It is the financial source for any American needs, whether under the guise of investment, trade, or political or security agendas. This includes funding election campaigns or contributing to projects adopted by American figures.
4. The UAE undertakes roles on behalf of the U.S. that America cannot directly perform due to human rights restrictions, local laws, and democratic values and slogans.

What kind of protection does the UAE need from America?
There are several threats that the UAE government requires U.S. protection from:
1. Strong condemnation by the U.S. Congress, which has proven the UAE’s involvement in various crimes in several countries.
2. Intense political and legal campaigns led by U.S. congressmen against the UAE government.
3. Fierce media campaigns by major newspapers, TV channels, and official reports from international institutions, proving the UAE’s involvement in crimes in several countries.
4. Legal complaints filed by various nations against the UAE at the United Nations Security Council, international courts, or regional organizations.
5. Widespread condemnation of the UAE in Arab, Islamic, and global public opinion, as proven by public surveys, articles, and open dialogues.

**The Ideal Partner:**
For America, the UAE is considered an ideal partner because:
1. It is capable of paying all the bills.
2. It is susceptible to blackmail and willing to pay.
3. It is globally indicted and in need of protection.
4. It is not bound by any legal, religious, popular, or institutional restrictions.
5. It is willing to be employed and ready to wash any dirty deeds America requires.

**The Correct Label:**
1. This type of partnership is essentially U.S. imposition and blackmail.
2. The UAE complies due to its desperate need for protection.
3. It is political and diplomatic theater between the two sides, but it is very transparent.
4. The U.S. plays a dual role toward the UAE, involving both threats and protection (the carrot and stick policy). This can be described as the cycle of protection or defense partnership:
– *Step 1: The U.S. media and Congress* expose the UAE’s dirty roles.
– *Step 2: The U.S. government* blackmails the UAE and presents the protection bill.
– *Step 3: The UAE complies* and pays astronomical sums.
– *Step 4: The U.S. government displays to the public* the inflow of money and boasts of economic achievements and the creation of new jobs. (The more the UAE needs protection, the more America blackmails it.)
5. Crimes will continue, as will blackmail, the flow of money, and U.S. economic successes.

**Between Sudan and the UAE:**
The confrontation between Sudan and the UAE in its various arenas may be the clearest example explaining the conditions under which such a partnership arises.
The defense partnership was born and shaped in the context of the Sudan-UAE confrontation and tailored to include the following mutual interests:
1. Dismantling resistance states for the benefit of Israel.
2. Financing militia wars.
3. The UAE’s need for protection after being fully indicted by the U.S. Congress and media.
4. Blackmail and payment of funds.
5. The declaration of a defense partnership.

*It is known that the will of the people is invincible and does not submit to the balance of material power.*
The will of the Sudanese people will triumph.
And the Sudanese people are already pressing forward and achieving victories through:
1. The advancement of the great Sudanese army on all fronts.
2. The strength and unity of the internal front.
3. A clear vision embodied in national sovereignty, the legitimacy of state institutions, and mobilizing resources to combat foreign invasion, mercenaries, and agents.
4. The mobilization of resources behind state institutions, particularly the ministries, the army, and Sudan’s mission in New York, to move forward with strong evidence and well-thought-out positions.

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