
Atta: “Neither Islamists nor Leftists Can Influence the Army Leadership”

Sudan Events – Agencies  
Member of the Sovereignty Council and Assistant Army Commander, General Yasser Al-Atta, denied claims of Islamist influence on army leadership or hindrance of negotiations.
Atta stated on the “Al-Manbar 24” website, “Neither Islamists nor Leftists nor revolutionaries can influence the army leadership.”
He emphasized that the Islamist political faction represents a segment of Sudanese society that has the right to defend its country against invasion, like any other political faction.
Atta noted that the sovereign powers of the army’s Commander-in-Chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, would continue even after the elections.
Atta also denied any discussions within the Sovereignty Council about the army commander remaining in power post-elections. He asserted that the country is not a toy in the hands of the “Forces of Freedom and Change” coalition, calling them traitors.
Atta confirmed that elections would be held sooner or later, adding that whichever party wins will form its government with full executive powers, but the sovereign powers will remain with the head of state and the army’s commander-in-chief to protect the country from treason and foreign loyalty.
In another context, Atta downplayed the effectiveness of the UN-imposed arms embargo on Darfur and its impact on the ground.
He stated that this decision would not achieve anything, as the international community and the world know that arms enter through Chad and Libya via Khalifa Haftar’s forces into Darfur and from there to the rest of Sudan in trips organized by the UAE.
Atta added, “The UAE’s money is vast, and Abu Dhabi’s leaders are accustomed to corruption and bribery.” He continued, “No decision, nor anyone in the world, can stop Abu Dhabi’s devil—neither the UN Security Council nor the UN General Assembly, nor any human rights organizations, the International Court of Justice, the EU, the AU, or any other organization.”

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