
Ceasefire Immediately… What Does It Mean?

As I See It 

Adil Al-Baz 

Yesterday, the African Union issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire. Why? What’s new? We shall see… Whenever you read such statements and hear these calls, do not think that the voices issuing these statements and crying out such appeals are genuinely concerned about peace, stopping the war, and halting the killing. No, those are hollow calls, a tin drum; do not believe them! How? If these crybabies were serious about their call to stop the war, they would support us (the signatories) who endorsed the Jeddah Declaration, demanding that the militia adhere to and implement the agreement so that the war might end. But what did these liars do? Instead of pressuring the militia to comply with what it signed in front of the world, they fell silent, and they did not demand that the militias honor the agreement to halt the war. Instead, they rushed to the online platforms shouting their effeminate chant: “No to war.” My brother, the militia has violated your mother and sisters and robbed your home, and you still shout “No to war”?! Well then, when do you want to fight?
But why were they silent back then? They were deceived by the militia’s advances in the field and its temporary victories, believing that it would win the war and take control of the country. So why stop a war they thought they were close to winning? But their hopes were dashed because God does not guide the schemes of those who betray their homeland. When the militia’s plans failed, and it gained nothing from its expansion but hatred from the people due to its crimes, the voices rose again: “No to war.” Now they hope to return… no!
And when they realized they were in trouble, they began to insert into various platforms’ statements, from which they make their living, the phrase “Ceasefire immediately.” They think that with such statements, they will push the world to pressure the army to stop the war for them. But they forget that neither the army, which is already unwilling to cease fire without implementing the agreed-upon obligations, nor the Red Army can stop the fire while our cities and homes are occupied and our women are sold into slavery in some markets of the West! If a people expelled from their homes, with their women violated and displaced across the earth, does not fight, when will they? Unless it’s a people of homosexuals! But thank God, your people are stronger and greater, my country!

What does a ceasefire mean, and what is its purpose? It means the continued occupation of our homes, hospitals, roads, universities, and camps by these criminal thugs, with their forces spread across the markets! Until when? Until negotiations conclude! And when will those negotiations end? No one knows, of course… a year? Two years? Five years? And we remain hostages to the militias while they continue to loot gold, and we face daily violations! Who, then, will return home feeling safe? If people are fleeing from the very social settings that shelter them to the army, because they do not feel safe for themselves or their families in the presence of these mercenary criminals. Who will dare to return while these criminals occupy the streets?
A journalist asked President Burhan: “We are tired; we want to return to our homes.” He asked her: “Would you accept to return with your home occupied?” She replied: “My home, how can I return?” Because of “my home,” we want to oust this scum from your house first!
If the government, for instance, told the brave youth of Bori Al-Lamab, who are now armed and defending their homes, “Wait for the displaced in the streets until we negotiate with the militias,” the question they would slap the government with is: Who authorized you to negotiate about our homes in the first place? And thus, every group defending its honor and homes will act accordingly and not wait for government negotiations. Or how?

The question that puzzles everyone: What do we negotiate with them? Can we negotiate with these criminals over the division of wealth and power, for example? Or over the political system and the foundations and features of the state of 1956? And can we negotiate with them over this nonsense they do not understand?! Are we negotiating with them over the virginity of our daughters who were raped? What are we negotiating about? Our money and properties that were looted? Our institutions that they destroyed? How do we negotiate with them for a ceasefire while the fire they ignited across the nation is still burning? Isn’t it fair that they first stop pouring their grievances into the kindling of the fire they ignited?

All the conspirators seek an immediate ceasefire before the militia fulfills its obligations, ensuring its return along with its allies to the political and military arena as key players. Do not let their nonsense about “it must stop,” “a political process,” and “a civil government” deceive you; all this nonsense covers their real objectives, which are to save the militia and restore it to prepare again and continue committing its crimes. But never! The army will not accept this, nor will it allow these criminals to trample on the bodies and dreams of the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for dignity and the dignity of Sudanese women. And who would dare propose to the people that they accept a ceasefire now when the proud women in El Fasher and Khartoum are igniting the fires of joy, confident in God’s victory, witnessing the militia gasping its last breaths?

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