
Burhan to Relocate Residence to Atbara and Ministries Distributed Among States

Sudan Events – Agencies
The head of the Sovereign Council and army chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, plans to move his residence from Port Sudan, the capital of the Red Sea state in eastern Sudan, to Atbara in the Nile River state in the north within weeks.
Government sources close to the Sovereign Council revealed to Al-Jazeera Net that the council has approved the distribution of ministry headquarters to the states of Kassala and Gedaref in eastern Sudan, and Dongola, Merowe, and Atbara in the north. The ministries of Foreign Affairs and Finance & Economy will remain in Port Sudan.
The same sources indicated that some members of the Sovereign Council will relocate their residences to other states. Malik Agar, the deputy chairman of the council, will move to Kassala, member Ibrahim Jaber to Gedaref, while members Shamseddin Kabbashi, Abdullah Yahya, and Salah Adam Torrasas will remain in Port Sudan, with Yasir Al-Atta staying in Omdurman.
Government sources noted that Port Sudan has become an economic and commercial hub, housing institutions, companies, organizations, embassies, and ports, but lacks enough buildings to accommodate state activities. They believe relocating the Sovereign Council head and some ministries to the states will activate executive work, improve services in cities, and foster a sense of governmental attention among citizens.
The sources also predicted that Burhan might later move from Atbara to Omdurman after the army’s recent advancements in Omdurman, Khartoum Bahri, and Khartoum. They expect the capital to be fully liberated before the end of the year. However, central and eastern Khartoum, home to the presidential palace, army headquarters, and most ministries and institutions, still face environmental hazards that may take time to resolve after the war, and the area has witnessed significant destruction.

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