
Change and Reorganization of the Political Landscape (1-2)

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Amin
The country is undergoing active and critical interactions regarding identity and affiliation, which some view as a transition from the old Sudan to a new Sudan. Here, it is important to note that change, which is the foundation of progress and creativity, can only occur according to the divine law: “Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.”
The change advocated by the forces carrying the banner of transformation should lead us towards the application of good governance. The pillars of good governance include: rule of law, transparency, popular participation in decision-making, justice, effective execution, administrative efficiency, accountability, and oversight, all according to a clear vision and a binding program for all.
Duties of the Revolutionaries:
The glorious December Revolution marked a fundamental shift in the political trajectory. For the revolution to fully realize its goals, the forces of change must undertake the following actions:
1.Create a political environment that ensures a smooth transition to a sustainable democratic system.
2.Prioritize national interests and the country’s higher goals over all else.
3.Acknowledge, review, and correct mistakes.
4.Adopt new and innovative methods for managing differences and accepting others.
5.Commit to establishing a decentralized democratic system characterized by broad participation, good governance, transparency, and a collective, participatory spirit.
6.Permanently close the files of war by addressing its root causes.
7.Seek innovative and unconventional solutions to address the country’s various issues.
8.Deepen the values of tolerance, the right to dissent, and diversity.
9.Establish a new social contract in which citizens reclaim their rights and fulfill their duties.
10.Eliminate all patterns hostile to democracy.
11.Rebuild state institutions on democratic and institutional foundations.
12.Agree on a code of honor that everyone adheres to.
13.Reach consensus on a national project and a professional revival program based on a new vision to advance the nation from a traditional society to a modern one, and from a military-security state to a civilian state, under a new culture where leaders are subject to popular monitoring and accountability.
14.Remove all anti-democratic patterns.
15.Agree on establishing balanced foreign relations governed by the country’s highest interests, free from regional and international alignments.
16.Dismantle the party-state and build a state for the nation.
17.Combat corruption, prosecute the corrupt, and recover looted funds.
18.Pursue transitional justice to uncover the truth, provide reparation, offer individual and collective compensation, and prevent impunity.
19.The call for democracy in our society does not stem from genuine convictions at the political or ideological level. The struggle for power has not been about limiting or restraining it; the aim has always been to replace individuals with new faces.
20.Commit to justice, the third pillar of the revolution’s slogans, as a standard and practice.
21.Protect the country’s resources, which are being depleted, and dedicate them to future generations.
22.Rely on heritage, abandon indifference, laziness, and dependency on others.

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