
The army reveals new evidence proving UAE’s involvement in funding militias

Sudan Events – Reports
On Thursday, the army announced finding new evidence in “Jebel Moya” in Sennar State, proving the UAE’s involvement in providing military support to the Rapid Support Forces militia.
The official Sudanese Armed Forces page on Facebook issued a statement saying, “As part of its wrongful roles in exterminating civilians and destroying the state, UAE support surfaced in the Jebel Moya area in central Sudan, where the armed forces found large transport vehicles bearing Dubai plates. After verifying the related documents, it was confirmed that they came from the UAE and were used to transport supplies and combat equipment to the rebel militias.”
The statement added that large militia stockpiles were found, containing significant quantities of 120mm mortar shells and ammunition, despite attempts by the militia members to erase the data from the ammunition boxes.
It continued, “However, a large part of the stock still bears the symbols and numbers of the UAE Armed Forces, and the attempt to erase the data is further evidence of the wrongful support.”
Additionally, the statement noted that medical supplies used by the militia were also found, showing their place of manufacture and expiration dates, indicating that UAE support continues.
The statement confirmed that all this evidence is now on the ground and preserved by the Sudanese Armed Forces.

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