
Joint Appeal from International Organizations: War Turns Sudan’s Cities into Hell

Monitoring – Citizens
Eight international humanitarian organizations issued a joint appeal, stating that the war, ongoing for a year and a half in Sudan, has turned the lives of people trapped in conflict areas into “hell.”
According to the official website of the United Nations, the appeal, issued by the Norwegian Refugee Council, the Danish Refugee Council, and organizations including CARE, GOAL, Plan International, Relief International, Save the Children, and Solidarités International, says that the efforts made so far to reduce violence and end the suffering of Sudanese people are insufficient.
The humanitarian catastrophe is worsening significantly, with violence reaching its highest level since the fighting broke out in mid-April 2023, alongside the alarming spread of infectious diseases and rising malnutrition rates among children.
The appeal particularly highlights the tragedy of children, with no signs of the war ending. Meanwhile, 26 million people in the country are facing hunger, and about 34% of children suffer from malnutrition or severe malnutrition.
According to the eight organizations, cities like El Fasher have become “hell on earth for thousands of women, children, and other vulnerable people.”
Save the Children reported that mortality rates from the cholera outbreak in Sudan have tripled the global average, putting thousands of children at risk of illness. The conflict continues to hinder access to treatment, with more than 80% of hospitals out of service.
Humanitarian organizations are facing a double crisis, working under extremely complex security conditions and dealing with a severe funding shortfall. The international community has only provided $1.3 billion so far, less than half of the $2.7 billion requested by the United Nations.

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