
The Disease of Hostility Toward Islamists!!

As I See It

Adil Al-Baz

It is a disease with no cure or recovery if its duration is prolonged or if it strikes you suddenly (as it did to the Janjaweed leader). Political medicine has yet to find a reason for this disease. No matter how situations change or disasters occur, this disease continues to eat away at its victims, disturbing their sleep and turning their dreams into nightmares for the rest of their lives.
Take the case of Dr. Al-Nur Hamad as an example. Al-Nur was afflicted with this disease in the prime of his youth while working as a teacher in the corridors of Kor Tagat Secondary School still suffers from it as he approaches his eighties! This disease caused him intellectual seizures, and it is well known that patients of intellectual epilepsy experience sudden attacks. Al-Nur experiences these attacks constantly, almost without pause. Whenever he senses one, he begins cursing “the Islamists” for no reason, mocking both what he knows and what he doesn’t.
In Dr. Al-Nur’s view, all the world’s evils are caused by the Islamists. All his public defeats and personal setbacks, and every intellectual and psychological ailment, are blamed on them. He cannot write a single word or article without this disease creeping into the lines, whether consciously or unconsciously. He finds no joy in speaking about any matter of politics, society, or religion without cursing them harshly. The Islamists have become the focal point of his empty life; his conflict with them gives his life meaning and purpose.
Dr. Al-Nur’s known contributions revolve around the “escapes of creatives” and their stories, followed by his criticisms of the pastoral mindset. Strangely, when the shepherd himself came and committed his atrocities, spread chaos in towns and villages, raped, killed, and occupied homes, Dr. Al-Nur took up a hollow drum to defend him.
Al-Nur has no other goal in life but to defeat the Islamists, whether by truth or falsehood. I believe—God knows best—that he will die with his body and mind still afflicted by this disease. I am deeply saddened for Dr. Al-Nur, who suddenly darkened. He was once an artist and intellectual, and it’s unfortunate that he will leave this world defeated, carrying all his grievances to the afterlife. Neither he nor his mentor managed to uproot the Islamists, and he couldn’t find a way to coexist with them. He has spent his entire life battling a cursed disease. I imagine that when he’s asked on the Day of Reckoning, “How did you spend your life?” his answer will be brief: “I embraced the Second Message in my youth, and spent my middle and old age cursing the Islamists.” Bravo! I pray that Dr. Al-Nur is not among those who lose their deeds, whose efforts in this world were misguided while they thought they were doing good.

As for Rasha Awad and Umm Salamah Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi, I pray that God grants them long lives. They were afflicted by this disease at a young age and are now nearing sixty. (Really, Rasha? You’ve aged and suffered, and you’re only sixty?)

They are in the same condition as Al-Nur, though their situation evokes more pity and sympathy. Despite the clumsiness of their writing and the absurdity of their positions, they enjoy an unprecedented level of hatred among the people (congratulations, well deserved!). I expect they will spend the rest of their lives wrestling with this disease, and will leave this world before they can air out their grievances against the Islamists, God knows best.

What reminded me of this disease and the figures mentioned above was the recent speech by the Janjaweed leader. This Janjaweed leader was born, raised, and made in the arms of the Islamists, and was never known to hold any ideological, political, financial, military, or tribal hostility toward them, let alone any form of conflict!

Suddenly, this Janjaweed leader was struck by the disease of hostility toward the Islamists. The symptoms appeared when that banner was hung over the tunnel bridge, and he was led to believe he was “the lion who terrified the Islamists.” The idea grew in his head, and his condition was fueled by ideas about political Islam and the “Kizan” (a derogatory term for Islamists) that he does not understand. Then they made him ride the wave of hostility toward the Islamists according to the whims of his sponsor, putting words in his mouth about the civil state and forced democracy! All the nonsense they fed him. In short, they completely deceived him. He believed the story and continued with it until the infection was passed on—or perhaps he caught it—from his brother Abdul Rahim, who had earlier contracted it from Yasir Arman, the oldest and most famous sufferer of this disease!

In the Janjaweed leader’s latest speech, 50% of it was about the Islamists, and the other 50% was pure nonsense. Eleven full statements in the speech focused on the Islamists, indicating how deeply the disease has taken hold of him. Here are some of the statements:

• “We are fighting the battalions of the Islamic movement, and the army was defeated in the first weeks of the war.”
• “Burhan’s militia refuses peace because it prevents the return of the Islamic movement and the National Congress Party to power.”
• “The popular resistance belongs to the Islamic movement, and the war has nothing to do with dignity.”
• “The Islamic movement is running the military council and the current battle.”
• “Burhan’s militia plans to replace the army with the Operations Authority, which is under the full control of the Islamic movement.”
• “The Islamic movement succeeded in the plan to bring Burhan to power and disperse the sit-in.”
• (Repeated statement) “The Islamic movement is running the military council and the current battle.”
• “If the international community wants the return of the Islamists, they should not have continued with the Framework Agreement.”
• (Repeated statement) “The Islamic movement succeeded in the plan to bring Burhan to power and disperse the sit-in.”
• “Jibril Ibrahim is a thief and crook, and his natural place is among the criminals of the Islamic movement and the National Congress Party.”
• “Shams El-Din Kabbashi admitted in Manama, before seven countries, that the Islamic movement is leading the war against the Rapid Support Forces.”

Do you see how deeply this incurable disease has taken hold of the Janjaweed leader’s consciousness? He is a rebel who doesn’t even know who he is fighting, imagining Islamists as ghosts fighting him. He sees thousands of fresh young men from all tribes, ethnicities, and political currents fighting his forces in the streets and alleys, but he only sees the bogeyman of the Islamists!

Even the international community, including the scheming Quartet, has turned into “Kizan” in his eyes, prompting him to attack them!

Why this terror and fear of the Islamists, while his militias are filled with Islamists (original Kizan) surrounding him as tightly as a turban wraps around a head? They are fighting alongside him now, speaking in his name on TV channels, and serving as his closest advisors! Could it be that he doesn’t see them? Or is it that an Islamist who wears the turban and joins his militias loses his Kizan identity, just as his allies in “Taqadum” did when they stripped Ali Al-Haj of his Kizan identity after he agreed to join them in the Framework Agreement?

This is not the Janjaweed leader’s agenda, but first and foremost the agenda of his sponsor. He parrots it to provide a flimsy justification for his war and his ambition for power, ensuring continued support from the sponsor. It is also an infection he contracted during his wanderings in the corridors of “Forces of Freedom and Change” with Yasir and Khaled, which then turned into a malignant tumor that will destroy his already wounded and defeated body, as well as the filth he has unleashed on the country. Eventually, the Janjaweed madness that destroyed our country will come to an end.

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