Sudan Events – Follow-up
Lt. Gen. Shams El-Din Kabbashi, Deputy Head of the Sovereignty Council, arrived in Sinnar State as part of his inspection tour of military units. He was accompanied by Lt. Gen. Mohamed Abbas Al-Labeeb, Deputy Director of the National Intelligence and Security Service, and Maj. Gen. Moatasim Abdullah, Deputy Director of the Defense Industries System.
He was received by the governor of Sinnar State, Tawfiq Mohamed Ali, and Maj. Gen. Abdel Moneim Abdel-Basit, the Forward Commander of Sinnar. Upon his arrival, Kabbashi was briefed on the progress of operations in the region.
During the visit, Kabbashi toured the Sinnar city market and reassured the public of the calm situation and the return of life to normal. Citizens gathered enthusiastically to welcome him, expressing their solidarity with the armed forces.
He then traveled to Singa city, where he inspected the 17th Infantry Division and congratulated the division’s commander, officers, and soldiers, along with other regular forces and volunteers, for the victories achieved in the Singa and Sinnar axis.
He was briefed on the military operations on various fronts and pledged to liberate every inch of the homeland from the defilement of the rebellious militia.
Kabbashi also toured the Singa city market, where he was met by a large crowd of citizens chanting slogans of unity between the army and the people.