Sudan Events – Follow-ups
The Minister of Education, Dr. Ahmed Khalifa Omar, inaugurated the start of the Sudanese secondary certificate control work in Atbara, specifically the stage of grading the answer sheets.
The minister welcomed the teachers participating in this phase of the control work and described this year’s exams as an epic challenge, which the teachers accepted with open arms, taking on the task of completing it, participating in all stages despite the hardships they faced due to the militia war. Some were displaced, others were arrested, and some lost their lives. He added, “We urge you to continue these efforts in the control and correction work until the results are announced and to complete the work quickly, as all Sudanese families are waiting for the fruits of your efforts.” He emphasized that Sudanese society respects and values teachers and considers them role models, urging the promotion of these values.
The minister congratulated the Armed Forces, joint forces, security and intelligence services, and police for their victories in the Al-Jazira region and the liberation of the city of Wad Madani, noting that its return to the homeland symbolizes a victory of dignity and pride for the Sudanese people.
For his part, Imad Abdel Qader, Director of the Sudan Exams Department, prayed for the soul of the late Mahmoud Sir Al-Khatim Al-Houri, who promised that the exams would be held in 2024, which was a challenge. The exams department accepted this challenge and completed the preparation and printing of the exams in just 21 days, whereas, in previous circumstances, it would have taken 45 days. Imad wished the participating teachers success in this important national work and advised them to be precise and meticulous.