Jaber Receives Briefing on Damage Levels in the Gezira Project

Sudan Events – Follow-ups
Lieutenant General Engineer Bahri Ibrahim Jaber, a member of the Sovereign Council responsible for the agricultural sector in Sudan, made a phone call to the Governor of the Gezira Project, Ibrahim Mustafa, during his field visit.
Jaber expressed his appreciation for the farmers in the Gezira Project, commending their efforts to provide food for the people of the Gezira and neighboring states, and their achievement of the slogan “Sudan will not go hungry.”
For his part, the Governor of the Gezira Project updated the Sovereign Council member on the extent of the damages to administrative facilities, including the theft of project assets, vehicles, and furniture at the project’s facilities. A high-level committee has been formed to assess the damage and determine urgent needs to facilitate operations and pave the way for the reconstruction phase in the project.
In addition, the Sovereign Council member received a briefing from the Governor regarding his field visits to the fields, covering all sections of the Managil and the pumps in the southern part of the Gezira. The Governor confirmed that wheat crops had been established well across the Managil sections, promising high productivity. He also briefed him on the irrigation problems and bottlenecks that require immediate state intervention.