
Details of the New Electricity Prices

Sudan Events – Follow-ups

The price of electricity in the residential sector after the recent increase has reached 4,000 SDG for the first 100 kilowatts.

The price for the second 100 kilowatts is 5,000 SDG, while the third, fourth, and fifth 100 kilowatts cost 6,000 SDG each. The sixth and seventh 100 kilowatts are priced at 6,500 SDG each, and the eighth 100 kilowatts are also 6,500 SDG. From the ninth 100 kilowatts up to 1,500 kilowatts, the price is 7,000 SDG per 100 kilowatts, while consumption exceeding 1,500 kilowatts costs 7,500 SDG per 100 kilowatts.

In the agricultural sector, the price for the first 500 kilowatts is 2,000 SDG per 100 kilowatts. For consumption between 500 and 20,000 kilowatts, the price is 2,500 SDG per 100 kilowatts. For consumption above 20,000 kilowatts, the price rises to 3,500 SDG per 100 kilowatts.

For the industrial sector, the price is set at 5,000 SDG per 100 kilowatts, while the unified rate is 9,000 SDG per 100 kilowatts. Electricity for schools costs 4,500 SDG per 100 kilowatts, while private hospitals and universities are charged 9,000 SDG per 100 kilowatts.

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