Coming Days…!!

Al-Tahir Sati
:: The annihilation of the Janjaweed — their personnel and equipment — has always been, and still is, prioritized over liberating the areas they have been ravaging. This is a combat strategy that none but the Dagalo family comprehended when they found themselves in exile and hiding after the destruction of their Janjaweed forces…!!
:: For instance, it wouldn’t have been difficult for the army to open safe passages for the fools of the Dagalo family in central Khartoum, allowing them to retreat when attacked from one direction. This wasn’t hard. However, the army surrounded them from all four sides, ensuring that not a single fool would escape unharmed…!!
:: On many occasions, the force stationed at the Republican Palace tried to withdraw from the palace and its surroundings in groups, but they failed. By the way, what happened to the Janjaweed elite in the streets of central Khartoum is beyond imagination. Every group that left its position to escape fell into the army’s trap and was crushed — and that was exactly the strategic goal…!!
:: When I watched a battle live, I recalled a statement made by the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and the Commander-in-Chief of the Army to a media delegation he met a year ago. My colleague Diya al-Din Bilal quoted him, saying: “I see their defeat as clearly as I see you standing before me now.” At that time, the Janjaweed were wreaking havoc in Al-Jazira and Sennar, and the people were in distress, while Bakri Al-Jack was calling for the army to surrender…!!
:: I remembered the commander’s words and his confidence in himself and his soldiers while watching one of the battles — live — from the (X) area. It was spectacular to see the dead being torn apart and scattered, their vehicles burning with weapons and ammunition inside. Even more remarkable were the raised fingers in gestures of takbeer and tahleel by the knights…!!
:: Seeing is not like hearing. And hearing directly from the cavalry commanders, the masterminds of strategy, and the brave fighters who executed the plans is not the same as hearing secondhand reports about them. Therefore, after a week of what I saw and heard, I traveled across my country for nearly a month, reassured, telling those who asked me about the outcome: “Rest assured, we have won — thanks to God, then to the genius of the strategy and the bravery of the execution. All that remains is the announcement.”
:: Yes, we have won — not only on the day Al-Jazira, Sennar, Khartoum, and the Presidential Palace were reclaimed, but also on the day the coup of the fallen one was thwarted by a small group of knights, ambushed by hundreds of combat vehicles and thousands of Janjaweed at the Guest House, the General Command, the Sports City, and elsewhere. But they stood their ground and displayed acts of sacrifice and heroism so that Sudan could remain as tall as minarets…!!
:: The coming days are pregnant with surprising victories. From what I have seen and heard, the fallen one and his Janjaweed will not enjoy even a square meter of Sudanese land. The liberation of the Republican Palace is only a prelude to the liberation of Al-Daein, Nyala, and other areas falsely called “strongholds” — for the only strongholds of the fallen one’s Janjaweed are mass graves…!!