Society & Culture

Larim People: Strong Ties of Community


Sudan Events 

Get to know the Larim people in South Sudan who are close relatives to the Didinga, the Murle and the Tenet on one of Ultimate Wild Safaris cultural trips to South Sudan.

They believe they came from Ethiopia as part of the group whose separation into apparently different ethnic communities was provoked by the dispute over the gazelle soup.

The Larim have lived in their present location since the eighteenth century.

They have resisted the dominant Lotuka and Toposa maintaining strong links to the Didinga and Tenet.

The Larim are organised into agnatic exogamous lineages knit together by strong ties of community solidarity; custom and tradition have helped them survive planked by two hostile communities .

The social organisation of the Larim is identical to that of the Didinga in terms of marriage and dowry settlement, rituals associated with birth, naming of the child, death and treatment of the diseased.

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