Promotion and Employment in Public Service Suspended

Sudan Events – Rehab Abdullah
The Acting Minister of Labor and Administrative Reform, Ahmed Ali Abdul Rahman, has issued a decision to stop promotion, appointment, and reappointment procedures in public
service in the country.
The decision explains that the decision was spurred by the current war conditions the country is going through and the presence of employee files in federal units.
The Minister also issued another decision to address the conditions of workers who retired with a pension and have completed the retirement age, starting from the beginning of January 2023 until the end of the year and on 1/1/2024, by stopping their wages immediately, provided that they are granted their pensions according to the pension in effect before the issuance of Cabinet Resolution No. (35) regarding the improvements.
Those who reached the retirement age at the beginning of 2024 will benefit from the improvements mentioned in Cabinet Resolution (35) in the year 2023.
The Resolution also stipulated the suspension of all contractors whose contracts had expired and their contracts not being renewed, and the cancellation of all contracts that were not issued by the Cabinet and whose costs were not approved by the Ministry of Finance.