
The UN : An institution Trades in Suffering of the People…Sudan Status is An Example!!

Ibrahim Malik

The General Assembly of the United Nations UN that was formerly called the League of Nations, is no longer a respectable and independent body that works for all peoples, as previous and subsequent events have proven that this world is governed and controlled by the great powers that built their economy and military empire by plundering and exploiting the wealth of the peoples of the Third World.
When the heads of third world countries failed to establish justice and build a stable system of government, the UN exploited the suffering of these peoples and began begging major countries to support their missions and organizations under the pretext of supporting the afflicted!!
When the conflict broke out in Sudan, the UN mission evacuated its employees from Sudan, including its envoy Volcker, who sparked strife when he left his basic duties and devoted himself to political work in Sudan.
The worst performance of a UN mission in the world was the one led by Volcker in Sudan because he embraced freedom and change and later adopted the Rapid Support RSF militias…
The speech written by Freedom and Change FC under the name of Hemedti, addressing the UN to help the Sudanese, affirmed the extent of the malice of this body and its conspiracy against the Sudanese people…
The step taken by Hamdok to summon the international mission to protect him is not a coincidence, but rather a full-fledged conspiracy to cover up their political crimes…
The Sudanese people must realize that this conflict is being managed by the UN through its facade of freedom and change FC to enable a political system that serves Israel’s interests in the region…
The humanitarian conditions left by the war due to the crimes of the Rapid Support RS militia are one of the weapons used by this criminal organization that trades in the suffering and tragedies of peoples…
Marketing the leaders of Freedom and Change FC and the leaders of the Rapid Support RS militia and glamorizing them as the most appropriate choice to rule Sudan and imposing them on the people by force is the strategy of the UN.
in Sudan…
The people should not wait for solutions from this criminal body that has abandoned its support for the Sudanese people throughout this period and now wants to intervene, not to help the Sudanese people, but to support its political and military side in Sudan.

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