
Sudan’s Recent Developments The SAF is advancing

Soft waves

Dr.. Yassir Mahjoub Al-Hussein

The recent field and military developments for the war in Sudan that indicated to the great progress and noticeable successful steps of the SAF ,is not more important than the moral victory that achieved by the SAF against the rebelled RSF militia since last mid/ April .
Eliminating this militia for a temporary period to sacrifice it will reduce the number of people in the regions, including the militia, mainly in their lives, honor, and money, and this includes the moral goal, no less than the number of officers and soldiers in the SAF .Addition to a smaller reduction in vital and strategic sites and flag buildings.
On the other part, the militias participated in the public infrastructure and intended with bad faith and paid thousands of their members in suicide operations for themselves and their blood without participating in achieving their goals for the leadership of the militia, Daglo family and those behind them,overseas and the deserts. .
This war was greater than an unconventional war or an urban war, and it became greater in size than treachery and betrayal.
The operations situation before the war indicated the presence of 100,000 militia members in the capital, Khartoum, and their equipment and weapons, while there were thousands more active towards them, and there were no of them in the capital’s camps outside, but they did not participate primarily in its mandate to secure vital facilities, while no progress was made. The number of military forces is about 37 thousand in the capital, Khartoum, while the forces count the borders and regions of the country in 18 states in relation to only a larger area and the area of ​​France.
The entire Francisco, with its population, is held hostage by the militia, which allocates an hour to the first bullet of the war, and it is a military force that they believe will take power in just a few hours. Experts around the world were astonished after the Sudanese army’s failure and its precise, criminal act.
He pointed to what indicates the almost complete control of the capital, Khartoum, the arrival of the President of the Sovereignty Council SC and the SAF Commander last weekend to the zero distance that separates the SAF from the remnants of the militia members in the city of Khartoum, Omdurman, the western part of the capital, and the loss of his forces and his address to them and his blessing and progress.
In the Bulgarian Tabernacle, the Geneva Popular Resistance Division was prepared, some of them organizing in light ranks alongside the army forces.
It must be stated here that this resistance, in its official clothes, forms part of the army and all categories of the sect, as it includes all Sudanese, regardless of their sects, and behind it are cultural, intellectual, and elite symbols from various political currents. The rifle carried by the popular resistance, as was the case in strong armed political movements from South Sudan to permanent movements, as it was linked to regional political goals and regions and its goals turned to seeking to share power by arms strength.
The strong cohesion between the SAF and citizens and their popular resistance missed the opportunity to promote a coup attempt as part of psychological warfare against the SAF on behalf of the militia from overseas, in which certain media organizations were involved. The news of the coup seemed naive given the impossibility of a coup attempt in the current objective circumstances, and anyone who has modest knowledge of the conditions conducive to a military coup knows that if the army remains in a state of 100% readiness due to the state of war it is waging, it is difficult to carry out any coup. Also, the areas that are usually targeted by the coup plotters, such as radio, television, the army command, and the military garrisons in the capital, many of them are subject to dispute and with little effectiveness even if they are seized, as the state apparatus and leadership are not currently present in the capital and have moved to the city of Port Sudan in the east of the country. It appears that what happened was the good diligence of some officers in the Omdurman region, under the control of the Sultan of Excessive Enthusiasm, and within the margin of the field officers’ authority to make field decisions and movements without referring to higher commands.
However, this led to an inquiry and investigation into the matter according to the format followed within the laws of discipline and liaison in the army, and the officers returned to their field work in command of their units. The incident had been about ten days old when the news was first reported.
In parallel with the military field work, negotiations took place, which were said to have been held in Manama on the basis of the Jeddah platform, with the entry of new mediators. The Sudanese government believes that there is no harm in achieving peace through negotiation if the Rapid Support RSF Militia adheres to what was agreed upon in the Jeddah platform, which is to stop the militia’s war against civilians and leave their homes and all the civilian objects that it occupies.
Otherwise, the SAF plan will continue to besiege them and cut off supplies until it takes over completely,Happening now in the city of Omdurman.
It seems that the scope of these negotiations is limited to the operational and humanitarian aspects and does not include any political negotiations. The government has announced that the political negotiation will take place within Sudan and include all political forces, not including the militia as a legal entity, as it lacks any political legitimacy due to its crimes, in addition to its dissolution and classification as a terrorist organization, and international accusations and condemnations have been issued against its leadership. The internal dialogue includes the arrangements for the transitional period and its requirements, and entering directly into holding elections, and the process will not take a long time.
The dialogue that took place was neither concession nor weakness, but rather part of the weapons of battle used to restore security and stability to all parts of the country, particularly since the SAF is the stronger party conditionally and therefore wins, whether in peace or in war.
However, it is important for the SAF to pay attention to what is being negotiated through the so-called humanitarian action path.
Such a path has often been a cordon used by external supporters of their clients in such conflicts. The militia is now morally and militarily defeated and needs such a cordon to save it.

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