
Somalia Lauds Defence Pact with Türkiye


Sudan Events – Sumaya Sayed 

Somalia’s Defence Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur describes the country’s landmark defence pact with Türkiye as a harbinger of positive change that “ushers in a new era in our nation’s pursuit of a secure and flourishing future”.

Nur says the agreement represents a collective dedication to eradicating all variants of illicit activities, setting the stage for the establishment of a proficient naval force, a cornerstone for Somalia’s maritime defence.

“We extend our profound appreciation to the fraternal Republic of Türkiye for their steadfast, prompt support and their resolute commitment to fostering peace, stability, and wealth across our region,” says Nur.

On Monday, Somalia’s parliament passed a bilateral defence and economic collaboration pact, a 10-year agreement that gives authority to Türkiye to protect Somalian waters.

The pact not only covers protecting Somalia’s waters but also sets the stage for the establishment of a naval force to secure the Horn of Africa nation.

“Furthermore, the agreement promises to reinforce our burgeoning blue economy, stimulate key economic sectors, and forge new paths for prosperity for both our citizens and the wider region,” the defence minister tells TRT World.

“We extend our profound appreciation to the fraternal Republic of Türkiye for their steadfast, prompt support and their resolute commitment to fostering peace, stability, and wealth across our region,” he says, praising Türkiye’s support.

“We are optimistic that, with the expertise and backing of Turkish naval personnel, our Naval Forces will progress through rigorous training to achieve global standards. The assistance provided by Türkiye in this aspect is truly immeasurable.”

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